How many times have you been in a room and heard someone say, "I've tried so many diets or different ways to lose weight and my body just won't cooperate? I give up!" Or what about the person who says, "I'm just big boned and being heavy runs in my family." I bring this up because it's something I've heard on both accounts just this past week.
I know I've blogged on this subject briefly before, but it's a topic that creeps in the minds of the overweight population often, and it really doesn't need to be there. I admit, there were times in the past that I know I felt this way, only to learn in the most recent years, it's just an excuse! A big fat excuse! I'm sorry in advance if that offends anyone, but it's something I've become passionate about. It's not a diet that is going to make you lose the weight. It's a lifestyle. You're not heavy because you're big boned or because larger framed people exist in your family. Those are just excuses. (Don't get me wrong. I've been guilty of trying to use them too.) How many people have you seen that have transformed their lives and are tiny now? Maybe not many but there are a few of us out there. If it was genetics or the fact that they truly were big boned/framed, they would have never made it to tiny.
You see, obesity is a disease just like any other disease out there. In some ways it's even more serious because it goes undetected in many cases and isn't diagnosed or treated until it's too late and a loved one is lost because of being uneducated and making poor choices. Obesity is not just the outward appearance of a large looking, unhealthy person but also a person who has a number of other things going on, including elevated cholesterol, "hardening" of the arteries, enlargement of the heart, blood clots, diabetes, depression, and growth of cancerous cells which can lead to more serious health issues. It's proof that obesity is not just on the outside shell of someone gaining weight.
I like to think of my body and my health just as any other serious illness out there. We need to. Your life is that important. If your child were diagnosed with cancer tomorrow and the doctor told you that you needed to do a series of treatments in order to save his/her life, you would do anything and everything in your power, including prayer to save that life, right? Well, our health when we are obese and unhealthy is just as serious and needs just as many treatments, dedication, and everything in our power, including prayer to save the life of the unhealthy, obese person.
I know when trying to lose weight that the road ahead can often look daunting and sometimes impossible. The good news is, just like any other serious health ailment, it can be overcome. If you've ever known of someone or experienced other serious health issues yourself, you know it's hard. It takes courage, (a lot of it) dedication, (daily) patience, (both with your mind and your body) a series of treatments, (healthy eating and exercise) and prayer (this was a big one for me). The way I look at any life threatening ailment, including obesity, is to remember that all things are possible with God on your side. It may not be easy, it may not be the answer you were hoping for, but in the end, a way will be provided and you will accomplish your dreams!