Sunday, January 22, 2012

Here We Go......(This is Scary!)

 It all started late last spring when I felt a nudging to start a blog and write about my weight-loss journey. Oddly enough, it came to me one day while on a run training for my first Half Marathon. (Which I completed June 25, 2011.) You see, I'd already lost all my weight. 133 pounds to be exact. But why didn't I think of  blogging about it sooner? I could have been doing it all along. To be honest, it didn't come to me until that spring afternoon when I realized for the first time that I hadn't enjoyed the journey I was on. I was always second guessing myself. Questions kept running through my head. "Can I really do this? Am I doing this? Can I keep the weight off?" I wouldn't even believe it when people told me how good I was looking. My response was often "Nah" or something very similar. Believing in myself was something I wasn't good at, and to this day, is something I still struggle with. (shall I mention it has taken me over four weeks just to get this post out and it It all stems from fear and believing in myself in the blogging world.)
     I'm not quite sure where this blog will go and what it will all intail but for now, I needed to just start somewhere, take a leap of faith and just do it! (God wasn't going to leave me alone about this.) It's been a year since I've lost the weight and kept it off and A part of me has felt the need to "pay-it-forward" and get my story out there....whether it's just for me, or whether it's to help and inspire someone else. Who knows? 
     I must  just warn you now, I'm terrible with grammar and not always good at expressing myself,  but am willing to put all that aside to accomplish what I feel has been heavy on my heart for quite some time. 
     So, with God on my side, here we go. It's time I go back, re-live some things through my own writing and find joy in the journey! 


  1. When we're faithful to bring what we have to God, even when it seems like just a few loaves and fish, He's faithful to breathe upon it. He'll multiply it in order to feed people who are hungry for what you both have to offer. I'm sure God is very pleased.

  2. Paige, I cant tell you how proud I am of you for not only making big goals, but reaching them and keeping them; but then to take it one step further and tell the world about your amazing story! I cant wait to keep reading this!


  3. Yay!!! I have been waiting and waiting for this! I SO look forward to re-living it with you, and you have already been inspiring to many! Keep it up, and thank you for your contribution!

  4. Tam, Kayla, Kara..... My first 3 commenters! (Is that a word?) Thank you for supporting me through this! As scary as parts of this seem, It makes my heart happy to know others are waiting for more "Paige posts."

  5. I find you inspiring! I'm excited to read your story. Don't stress about grammar and such in the blogging world. It's not an edited book. Just getting the words out is challenging enough. :)

  6. "real" blogs are the best blogs. Good luck with it!

  7. You inspire me! Tell us "me" how to fell and look as amazing as you do. I need a good kick in the pants.

    1. Emily, you're so sweet! I'm not sure I can tell you all the tricks but I can sure share my experiences in hopes it helps others in some small way.

  8. I didn't know you before your loss but I'm excited to be inspired by you!

  9. I think you're great at expressing yourself! I found you through Mama Laughlin and am loving reading all of your stories and tips...I have been losing and gaining the same 40-50 pounds for years...I am truly inspired by you!

  10. I found your blog through another blog (Mama Laughlin), and am so glad to have found it! I was looking for a motivating blog that doensn't have a lot of "colorful language". :)
    I have about 45 pounds to lose, but have a hard time believing I can take it off and keep it off. I've lost 15-20 before while having excercise buddies, but then gain it back every time the excercise situation changes. I worked out the past two days and signed myself up for a 10K run in a few months as motivation. Thanks for helping motivate me!

  11. Thanks for finding me Becky! Hang in there, you'll get this!

  12. OMG I am so glad to have found your blog!!! I am at my all time high weight and just found out I am preggo. I have always struggled with my weight and was working really hard to get it off once and for all. Well I am still watching what I eat and after reading your blog have found a new motivation in me to keep watching what I eat to have a healthy baby and then to work and get all this baby weight plus off when this little one comes. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading more in the future.

  13. I was looking for some motivation to take off about 20 pounds and I found a link to your blog on Pinterest! After browsing through a couple of your wonderful posts, I realize this exactly what I am looking for! So I am starting at the beginning and can't wait to read about your weight loss history, and your real-life hints and tips. Thank you for sharing! Excited to begin my own journey!

  14. Paige, I found this thread from your facebook page. This made me cry! First because I am happy for you...Second because have sooo been there, (the overweight thing). I Lost 40 pounds and now gained it back. I want a change! I will keep reading and hope to find some answers for myself.

    Thank you,
