Sunday, February 26, 2012

Being in the Spotlight! (With

Just recently I had someone contact me from Body We spent some time exchanging conversations, and I was then asked if they could share my weight loss story with other Body employees. I was totally surprised by this invite, not to mention slightly nervous. Other than just the people in my life who know me and what I've embarked on, this was the first time I was invited to share my story and success on a more public level. Like be in the spot light in regards to me and body no less. It wasn't long before I had emailed off my story and things went from there. They've since contacted me a few times, and then one day I came home to this! 

A big box of goodies and treats! The best part was, I was clueless as to what each one of them was and what it was used for. I quickly contacted my new friends at and they were able to guide me in the right direction of which supplement to use when and how they would benefit me in their own way. 

Maybe an experience like this really wouldn't mean much to someone else, but to me it was sure huge. It felt good. I was excited to see so many acknowledge and share the excitement with me and what I'd accomplished, and I loved  how they encouraged me to get out there and share my story. To not hide anymore. To be proud of what I've accomplished and to pay it forward to someone that may be struggling themselves. After all, that is what I want to do. Thank you for being a bright spot on this journey and possibly birthing the idea of getting out there more and sharing what I've become! 


  1. They picked the right person to spotlight.

  2. That's really awesome- congrats on the recognition and the cool swag! Clearly, you are being recognized for the weight loss and fitness blogging superstar that you are! :)

    1. Fitness blogging superstar? I'm not sure I'd go as far as calling me that but you totally just made my day. Thanks Sherrie!

  3. You SHOULD be proud of what you've accomplished. You should also be proud that your story compels others to get healthy. You are an inspiration. Savor that and enjoy all the rewards that come your way from all the hard work you've put into your body. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by to read my blog chubby! (I've been checking yours out too!) :)

  4. You go girl!!! That's awesome!

  5. You are a beautiful inspiration to anyone who wants to undertake this journey. You are proof that it can be done beautifully.

  6. never know who is watching on the internet! Is that how they found you? This is really exciting Paige. You should be shouting loud and clear. Your, what seemed impossible journey, became reality! Everyone loves these stories of success and triumph!! Love reading your blog!

    1. So glad you hear you are enjoying the blog Jan! It won't be long and I'll be posting pics of you girls with your poles at the finish line of the Rock n Roll! :)

  7. Do you have a link to the weight loss story they ran on you?
