Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spinach Berry Smoothie! (My New favorite)

When I first started on this journey I often found myself making protein shakes. Today I tried adding bits and pieces of all my favorites and came up with a new tasty treat. The best part is that it's low in calories, has plenty of protein, and tastes super good.

1 cup vanilla soy slender (This stuff has no sugar, a nice amount of protein, and is like having a vanilla shake.)
1 cup frozen mixed berries (I prefer the tri-berry blend from Costco.)
2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder
2 cups fresh spinach
1/4 cup cold water

Throw it all in the blender and mix well.

Yep, this is what I came home and made after a run today. Love it!

P.S.  It's even purple. Valentine treat anyone?T


  1. Replies
    1. I love my button! And the person he added it for me too. :)

  2. You've got to make some for me. I'd like to try it!

  3. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around blended spinach in a smoothie, but I just may have to give this a try. I have spinach in a salad quite often (it's on the menu for tonight, as a matter of fact) but it never occured to me to try it this way...thanks for the idea!

    1. Sherrie, I thought the same thing but you honestly can't taste it a bit. Let me know what you think. Oh, and spinach salads=YUM!

  4. I am your newest follower! I came across your blog from Becky's. Your picture caught my eye because it looked like one of me. Hope that doesn't offend you if you see a pic of me! I think your blog is great and I totally wish you would of started from the first but I can't wait to read on how you made it and what your doing to keep it up. I too have a best friend that is a huge support to me in this journey with weight loss/healthy living. I also love all the support this blog community gives us. Keep the posts coming!
    P.S. You look fabulous!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Jess! I'll have to check your blog out to see how much we look alike. :) Yes, aren't best friends the greatest? So couldn't be doing this or wouldn't want to without mine. We'll be in touch.

    1. Wow! Just ran across your blog today, from Mama Laughlin! You look amazing, You are proof anyone can do it! Congrats!

  6. I too came across your blog from Mama Laughlin's blog. This smoothie sounds so yummy! I was wondering do you know the exact calerie amount of it? Just curious so I would know how much to count for. Thanks! I'm just now starting my weight loss journey so I will be checking in more often for tips and recipe ideas!
