Monday, March 26, 2012


I find it interesting that when the weight started to come off and was noticeable by others, I started getting compliments often. Sometimes daily even. "Paige, you look wonderful! Paige, you look fantastic! Paige, I'm so proud of you and what you're doing to change you're life? Paige, You are inspiring!" The funny thing is, nine times out of ten when a wonderful compliment like this came my way I often reacted as if I were in denial or even somewhat disappointed in my progress. "No." Or how about "Well, I still have so far to go." Or "You're just being nice." It was always this ho-hum response. Why couldn't I get excited like they were? Part of it I think was mere fear. Fear that I was really doing and accomplishing what they said I was. Second, I was afraid of failing. And lastly, I was still envisioning the picture of the old Paige, the only person I knew. It wasn't until near the end of my journey I learned what it meant to "OWN IT!" Own what I'd done. Own what I'd become and celebrate everything in between. To learn to "OWN IT" might include some of the following, which I will touch on in more detail in future posts: (And believe me, I'm human and still struggle with these from time to time.)

- Recognize the progress you have made (even the little things)
- Believe!
- Talk about your success with someone else
- Get rid of those clothes! (see here)
- Celebrate
- Recognize you've accomplished hard things
- Use positive self talk
- Try on smaller clothes
- Admit you're a smaller size than you think
- Verbalize the idea - "I'm going to run a Half Marathon"(Just   saying the words.)
- Don't hit the excuse button
- Say thank you when someone gives a compliment
- Look at old pictures
- Look at yourself in the mirror 
- Eat treats (in moderation)
- Picture the "new" you
- Climb a mountain
- Recognize how much better you feel
- Don't hide from the camera (see here)
- Motivate someone else
- Have someone give you a piggyback ride
......and the list goes on.

Taking time NOW to learn how to utilize such simple tactics will help prevent so many hurdles I seemed to encounter by not learning how to "OWN IT" in the moment. Things as simple as self doubt, fear, and inspiration. How much greater would have been my joy if I could have tackled some of these things head on from the beginning. 

So whether you're just starting out on your journey, in the thick of it, or nearing the end, it's never too late to learn how to "OWN IT!"


  1. Paige, the page has a new look. Paige the page looks good!

  2. Thank you so much for this post today! This is exactly what I needed to read! I was shaking my head the whole time I was readying it because it's me right now! It isn't easy for me to see what others and I really needed this. :)
    I love your blog too by the way!

    1. Thanks Jolynn! It's so nice to know others can relate to what we go through. Hang it there. P.S. Love your hair these days. Too cute!

  3. I find myself doing that all the time. It is hard to own it! Thanks for this post today, I needed it.

    1. You're welcome, Amy. Thanks for following along.

  4. Great post! I find myself STILL adding something negative to a compliment. I think for me it's because I still don't believe I deserve what I have done for myself. Trying to work through emotions with the weight loss. I needed to read this..thanks!

    1. Thanks Marisa! Our emotions do like to play tricks on us, don't they? Hang in there! :)

  5. An absolutely awesome post! Loved every sentence!

    Love the new Header and look as well. Thumbs up!

    1. Thanks Sharon! I'm liking the new header too. I thought it would take some time to get used to but I seem to be warming up to it just fine. Have a great week!

  6. Thanks for a great list!!! love it so much!

    1. You're very welcome! Thanks for dropping by. :)

  7. Thanks for the great advice Paige. This is definitely something I need to work on.

    1. Christa, I was just reading your post the other day thinking...."Wow she's got the "owning it" mastered! Thanks for being so positive!

  8. Love it! Thanks for sharing those tips :).

  9. I like the new look of your page, but I'm glad you kept that inspiring picture! The pic of you in (what I'd assume are) your old pants is awesome. I had a moment kind of like what you describe today- I was a class at the gym (BodyPump, which is sort of cardio weighlifting), and the instructor asked if any of us were doing the IronGirl race next month on Clearwater Beach. I raised my hand, and she asked "half marathon or 5k?" I answered with a laugh, "5K, of course!" and she reminded me not to laugh at it and assume that the 5K is ALL I can do. She said "you could totally do the half, you are stronger than you think!" That was really inspiring to me. I'm still going to stick with the 5K for that race, but I will be slowly increasing to a 10K and (quite possibly) a half by the time that race comes around next year.

    1. I love that picture too. I had to keep it on there!

      5K?! Of course you can! You can do a half! I know you could! I agree with the instructor, you're much stronger and in shape than you think. Go for it! I think you might surprise yourself. I know I sure did.

  10. You are so right! For a long time I lived in the mind set that my weight loss was only temporary, and one day I would gain it all back. Finally I've come to realize that I've changed my entire mindset and I'm not the person who I was then and that the new me is here to stay :)

    1. I love it! Isn't it great when we FINALLY figure that part out. :) Thanks for dropping by Megan.

  11. I'm new to your blog, but have already gained a great deal of inspiration from you! I've recently lost 26.4 pounds, and have a lot left to lose. I catch myself adding negative comments when I've received compliments! I know the hard work will pay off. Thanks for your inspiration!

    1. Congrats on the 26.4 pounds. You'll be at your goal before you know it. Thanks for dropping by.

  12. great post! You are an inspiration!!

  13. Hey Paige.
    I am starting my journey and you are truly an inspiration.
    Thank you for sharing your journey with others.
    I am following your blog.

  14. Own it indeed! What a fantastic header you have on your blog, what a new life you have created for yourself! I am so glad you found my blog, so that I get to read yours. I have a long way to go, but it's people like YOU, Paige, that make me believe that it's possible, and that there's an amazing future waiting for me to catch up. ;)

  15. It is so true! I find myself getting angry at times. Thinking "what I wasn't so pretty before?" or "gee nice of you to notice NOW" But I have come to realize that so many people are fearful of giving compliments because of the way we recieve them. I have decided that it was probably tough for them to say it for fear of my reaction, so I need to decide how to respond. Now I am learning :)
