Monday, April 16, 2012

Don't Let Being a Mom Hold You Back

Meet one of my beauties! This is my beautiful 14 year old daughter, McKenna. She truly is one of the loves of my life. 

    One of the things I've noticed over the past year and a half while losing my weight was how much being heavy and carrying around the many un-needed and un-wanted extra pounds effected me in more aspects of my life than just my own. It effected me as a mother. It's sad to me to sometimes think I've lost some precious "active" years with my kids but the reality is, when your heavy, it naturally happens. You don't have the motivation, energy, or discipline to do what you need to in order to be apart of your kids life completely. And because every mother wants to be the best they know how for their kids, this may also lead to depression or other ailments that get you down and discouraged.  I know this may sound harsh in some ways but looking back on things, it's the truth. I can't tell you how many times I sent my husband off on a hike, or a bike ride, or an outing with the kids that I thought I was "too fat" for or felt "too tired" for so I didn't join in and let those precious moments slip away. Those are moments I can't bring back. The good news is, it's never too late to change and make things right. I not only changed things, but I changed it in a good way so that I CAN enjoy the fun, active moments of being a parent. It's crazy to think of all the things we take for granted in our lives. The funny thing is, we don't realize it until we start to change how valuable our example is to others, especially our own children. How "active" are you in your kids lives? Are there things that you don't participate in because or lack of energy or because your weight gets in the way?

I know my sweet McKenna has always loved me for who I am and because I am her Mom, but what I do know is that because she's had a chance to watch first hand me go through what I have to get to where I am today as far as hard work, motivation and dedication, I know she is a better person today than she was yesterday. She's been nothing but a cheerleader, motivator, and a friend to her Mom during all of this. In turn, this has not only helped me in my life and on this journey but it's helped mold her into the beautiful young lady she is turning out to be. Maybe this was all part of God's plan? If so, regardless of what I had to go through, I am truly grateful she is becoming who she is. It's a beautiful thing.

This weekend it was my turn to cheer on Miss McKenna as she danced her little heart out at a clogging competition. This is something she has done for many, many years and is truly one of her passions. (Not to mention, she's amazing to watch and defiantly was born to be on stage!) 

                        Clogging competition 2 years ago.
Clogging competition this weekend! (Have I mentioned I love this girl?!)

So, if there is anything holding you back from being 100% in your kids lives, change it! You can do it. Not only will they be happier, but you'll be much happier too. I like to think that if God put His trust in me to raise these little people, I'd better make sure I was doing my part -living a healthy lifestyle being one of them! 


  1. Your daughter is beautiful!

    Happy Monday.

  2. Love this blog entry... it is perfect! You look fab!!

    And your daughter is a cutie too ;)

    Make it a great day!

  3. Paige, I just wanted to tell you that I think God is truly using you to reach people through your blog. I love this post so much. It is something I have been burdened with a lot recently. My son is 5 and he has just started getting into sports and pretty much bouncing off the walls and full of energy =) He is CONSTANTLY asking his dad and me to play ball with him outside and we find ourselves making up excuses or only playing with him for a few minutes and then saying "Ok, I'm done" simply because I just don't have the energy or "just don't feel like it" ... This post has helped me realize that I NEED to make time! He will only be little for a short period of time and I just want him to know his mom is always there, and always cares, no matter if I "feel like it" or not. So thank you for allowing me to see that even if it's just playing ball in the back yard - it IS important! I love your blog and I will continue reading - you are such an uplifting and inspirational woman =) I also tried your Spinach and Feta Omelet over the weekend and it was so good! and so filling! I blogged about it =) ... So keep the posts coming!! =) (sorry this comment is so long!!)

  4. I love this blog entry, it's "food for thought", most def. This past weekend my husband, myself and our 15 year old son went to a local playground with a fairly challenging 12 foot high ropes course obstacle- in the past I would never have tried to climb it, but I went all the way to the top and even climbed around it and we had races to the top. It was so much fun, and it was so rewarding to know that I *can* do that sort of thing with my son now. You daughter is a cutie, for sure- I love her braids in that last picture!

  5. I love this! You are SO right! I've lost about 33 of my 80lbs that I need to lose and I already feel like I'm a more active mom! Your daughter is beautiful and she looks a lot like her pretty Mama! Thanks for the post, it is the encouragement I need to keep going today!

  6. Yes you did mention you "loved this girl" lol. What a difference between the 2 pictures. You both look radiant. Good looking which one of you am I talking about lol lol.

    1. Thanks Sharon! It's hard not to love such a cutie!

  7. You are an inspiration! Both of you, setting and reaching your goals with passion! Love it! Thank you for your words of encouragement and smile everyday!

  8. You are so inspiring. I just wrote a post (I'm currently blogging privately about my journey) about the things holding me back as a parent that are all weight related. I loved reading your thoughts on it.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Betsey. Blessings to you as you continue on your journey.

  9. Great post! My son is my main inspiration for losing weight. I want to be the mom who can fit into the theme park rides and play all day at the water park. This summer will be the first in his life where I won't have to squeeze (or worry that I can't squeeze) into kiddie rides with him. Thanks for your continued inspiration:)

  10. I totally agree! Most of my motivation to lose weight came from wanting to be healthy and set a good example for my daughter so that hopefully she won't struggle with her weight the way I have. Also I think that is so awesome that she is a clogger, I would love to see a video of her doing it!!!
