Monday, April 2, 2012

I Am a Runner!

I decided for those of you that don't already know it, since I've lost all the weight one of the things I've discovered is a love for running. Am I good at it? Nope. Am I a natural? Nope. Is it easy? Nope. Am I ever going to win some award in this event and be famous? Umm, probably not. But do I enjoy doing it? Most of the time. Has it given me some sort of self mastery in overcoming what was always thought of as impossible? Yes! Does it make me feel like a champion every time I complete a run? Yes! Is this why I choose to run? Yes!
So, meet left and right. These are my running shoes. (Yes, I Iive in BSU nation!)
Today starts another 12 week journey with my running. (Round 2, I like to call it.) Training for my second half marathon. I did this for the first time last spring and surprised myself in more ways than one. I was taken back when I discovered what my body was capable of learning and doing. In fact, I'm not sure I really thought I was going to make it through that run the day of the race, until I made it to the point where I could see the end. The victory lap. It was then that I realized I could do anything I trained my body to do. Will the next 12 weeks be easy? Not every step nor every run. But will it be rewarding and give me that feeling again of self mastery? Absolutely! So, having not run consistently on any type of schedule but merely for enjoyment over the past year, I'm ready to embark on yet another challenge. Another adventure. Why? Because I have legs and feet that can run, I have lungs that can breathe, and because, I am a runner!


  1. Great post!! I just finished my second half and I thought I felt good after the first, but MAN did I feel even better after my second! I actually teared up a little because I remember how it felt to try to run 100 pounds heavier.

    1. Awesome Megan! I've been looking forward to round 2 for quite some time now.

  2. I am learning to be a runner too... looking to sign up for my first 10K race this year. Looking forward to following your training ups and downs over the next 12 weeks.

    Make it a great day!

    1. Thanks for dropping by. Looking forward to hearing about your running progress. It won't be long and you'll be hooked!

  3. Are you coming back for the Seattle Rock & Roll for the marathon? I will put it on my calendar!

    1. Jan....YES we are! June 23rd. We'll be looking forward to seeing your pole again! :)


    Have you seen this list (link above?) I thought it was so encouraging, and perhaps will encourage you on your 2nd half marathon. Did you sign up for a race yet?

    1. Thanks Cyd! Those are just what I was needing. (You must have read my mind!) I have signed up for a race. I'll be doing the Seattle Rock N Roll in June. :)

  5. Did you start running after you lose some or all your weight, or did you start running at your heaviest weight? I tried to take up running because I thought in my mind that it was something I wanted to do, but I didn't really get any enjoyment out of it. That said...I didn't keep going with it until I got to the place where it wasn't a big effort.

    1. I didn't start running until after I had lost the weight. I needed and wanted a new goal to challenge myself, and running it was. Try it again. It gets better....promise. It's just like anything else...never easy or enjoyable at first. Once you get into it you will feel different. Let me know if you try it again.

  6. You go girl!
    Did you start running when you 1st started losing weight or afterwards?
    BTW, I love the shoe color :)

    1. Danielle, I didn't take up running until after I'd lost the weight. I needed a new challenge to tackle and running it was. Do you enjoy running?

      I'm liking the shoes too. :)

  7. I am so totally in love with those shoes!

  8. I love this post, and those shoes are gorgeous!
    I've wanted to be a runner for years, and I actually tried picking it up when starting to lose weight.. I'm too heavy for it though. People keep telling me that "everyone can run", but my knees seriously disagree.. One day though :D

  9. Your weight loss story is inspiring! Congrats on starting round 2 - have fun training for the half marathon! I'm running a 50K next Saturday and I can't wait!
