Thursday, April 26, 2012

Look in the Mirror -Your Face is a Beautiful Thing!

one of the things that I noticed pretty early on in my weight loss journey, maybe 35 pounds down or so (Remember this will be different for everyone. I had a lot to lose.) that my face was changing. It's often been said that one of the first places people tend to lose weight or a place that seems to be most noticeable is in their face. I remember every time I would see my Mom she would often comment about this. In fact, now that I've lost all my weight it wasn't that long ago that I had a co-worker tell me 'Ya know, you've always had such a pretty face, but now it's absolutely beautiful." It made my day! I remember  thinking, "How very sweet for her to say that." It was the very next weekend that I knew I was needing a few new make-up products as I was nearly out and the thought came to me, instead of buying the cheap $0.99 make-up I'd used for years (often times going without because I was too lazy or felt blah) I'd spend a little more money (not much because I'm too cheap) and get stuff that not only would make me feel like I was investing something special into my skin but also the stuff that was probably much better for my skin. What a difference just that one little act did in giving myself a slightly different perspective on what I've done, where I am, and who I want to continue to become. Now, I look forward to putting on my make up each morning!

Have you ever thought about it? People are beautiful creatures, all created in the image of God, and all created so unique and individualized. Isn't it interesting when we are so overweight, unhappy, depressed and miserable, we lose sight of that beauty sometimes? We don't even want to acknowledge the beauty deep within us. It's almost as if when we look in the mirror at ourselves, we are disappointed and disgusted. The first thing we see is our face. I've thought about this often and it's something I've struggled with myself, but the reality of things is that we already have so many things going against us when we are heavy and depressed that the last thing our bodies need is for them to be tormented by are own thoughts when we look in the mirror. If anything we are the ones who need to be as positive as we can and giving ourselves a pat-on-the-back for making the change and moving forward. Even when we fall of the wagon, slip for a day or two, or have a bad week, month, year, what have you. Think about it this way... we certainly are better off now than we were the day the thought came into our mind to change our lives, right? (Even if we haven't started yet but the thought has crossed your mind- we're certainly better off  for acknowledging there's a problem. Now it's just a matter of getting to work.) Bottom line - We can do this! We can be our own cheerleaders. Do me a favor, look in the mirror. Study that face of yours, take a few pictures if you wish, and then in a very short time, come back and look at the beautiful image starring back at you in the mirror and just see how far you've come.



  1. I never thought I carried weight in my face until I lost weight in my face. Now people tell me all the time they notice how much I've lost because my face is so much slimmer. I look at old pics and sometimes I cringe because I don't like what I see, but at the same time that was me and I have to accept that at one point I felt confident even when I knew I had A LOT of weight to lose.


  2. I've noticed weight in my face from when I was thinner. This is a very good post!

  3. This what a great thing to read today! Ive just started my weighloss journey and am starting to see my face change! Your totally right we are all created in Gods image so why sould we be afriad of the mirror!

  4. Thank you for this post. It is exactly how I feel when I look in the mirror: disappointed and disgusted! I am trying to work on that.

  5. LOVE this post. You are gorgeous!

  6. Oh I CLEARLY remember the day my double chin disappeared :) So awesome!

  7. As usual, you are so encouraging! I love reading your posts! I am not really into the make-up thing, but I think I feel about jewelry the way you do about make-up. I have started to really enjoy some new dangly earrings and some longer necklaces that I would have never worn before I'd lost some of this weight. I've got lots to go, but I needed to do something special for "me" and instead of make-up, I bougt some jewelry :) I used to hate looking in a mirror and now, just 43% of my way toward my goal, I can finally see some "beauty" in me.

  8. I often notice on shows like The Biggest Loser, that both the men and women change so much in their faces. And every time they get just geogeous. It's like the real them just popped out behind the extra fat on their faces. This losing weight has so many advantages lol.

  9. I don't know you and just came across your blog from Pinterest...but this picture in the green shirt just jumped out at me because you look soooo incredibly happy!!! I've only read a few entries of your blog and I'm already teary eyed. I'm where you were hoping to get where you are. someday.
