Friday, June 8, 2012

"Healthy" Cheese Sauce!

If you know me well enough, you'd know that two of my favorite things are cheese and dipping. I seem to like cheese in and on everything, and if I can dip something in a sauce or dressing, my day just got better! Problem is, cheese can be very fattening if you choose to eat too much, and we all know anything dipped in ranch and other high calorie condiments can be dangerous. So, here's a little secret for you today. You can have the best of both worlds with this yummy "healthy" cheese sauce I'm about to share with you. 

You will need the following:
1 small yukon gold or russet potato
1/2 c. carrots
1/2 yellow onion
Fill a pan with about 1/2 inch of water, bring to a boil, put veggies in water, cover, reduce heat to low and let simmer until veggies are soft. 15 minutes.

When veggies are soft, drain the water but reserve it, pour them into a blender and add:
3 Tb. water
1/4 c. nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/3 c. cashews

Blend until creamy.  You may need to use the reserved water to get the blender going, usually about 1/2 c. is enough.

That's it! Set it aside to use with whatever you like. Who knew cheese could be so healthy? And very tasty too. (Yes, even though there is no cheese in the recipe, it really does taste like cheese!)

I chose to serve mine over a baked sweet potato with steamed broccoli. Other options may include: Steamed carrots, grilled chicken, in an omelet, or whatever else sounds appealing. 

Note: For having a family that consists of "dippers" they all enjoyed it too. My son even got out the tortilla chips and had nachos!


  1. I am **SO** trying this! I really like using nutritional yeast in place of cheese...we try to avoid excessive dairy here...

  2. Paige, I am a HUGE cheese fan and like you, want it w/ everything. Gonna try this asap. Thanks for sharing. SO excited!!!

  3. Hi Paige! Tammy (Forever in First) sent me over. I've read through some of your story - awesome! I'm your newest follower.

    Teaching Little Miracles

  4. MMmmmm! Looks good! Thanks for sharing!

  5. So glad you liked it! When we discovered this recipes last year, it was like an angel bringing us gold! I love putting this in my vegan lasagna too!

    1. PS- now for the homemade hummus- seriously so easy I never think to buy it:)

  6. Wow, that looks absolutely delicious!

  7. This looks very interesting. I'll have to give it a try...

  8. Looks very much like the sauce recipe for the Best Vegan Mac & Cheese recipe I've ever tried ( - except that recipe also has margarine in it, which would make it higher in fat. I may give this a try - I assume these were raw cashews? And did they blend in well enough? I often find I have to grind the cashews in a coffee grinder first, then blend everything, and even then an occasional nut chunk gets through.
