Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm still here!

I feel like I'm needing to get my thoughts out there so you all know how I've been feeling lately. Some of you may have been wondering why you've only seen a post a week from me, when in all reality you're used to reading 2-3. Then again, some of you may not be missing them at all and that's fine too but as for me, I miss them! I need them! I never thought in the beginning I'd be so attached to sharing my story as I've become.  It's amazing how therapeutic and rewarding this blog has been for me. Not only does it motivate me, it inspires me to know and feel the personal struggles from the followers I've met and communicate with as I continue to blog. Almost like we are family as we share in something that is so real and delicate and can only be felt by those who have walked in our shoes. 

I work for the school district so I have summers off to play and spend time with my family. Being a very structured type A personality, I like routine. Structure. Order. That includes the times and days I set aside to blog - to have what one may call a personal therapy session. Unfortunately my schedule has been far from what It usually is on a day to day basis so my blogging has been a bit sporadic it seems lately. Has this been hard? Yes! Almost like the feeling you get when you forget to read or don't make the time for your scripture reading in the morning (that empty feeling). Like I said, the main reason I keep a blog is for myself. If it inspires and helps others along the way, great! It's been hard to not feel like I have the time to sit and express myself. I think about it all the time actually. Almost like I yearn for those moments. I can't wait to get them back. (Not to mention, have time to read all my favorite blogs too.) 

The good news is, as much as I love summer, it will be coming to an end for me next week when I return to work. I wouldn't trade one thing I was able to experience this summer even if it left me with little time for myself. I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. I feel like my mind has been on overload with things I'm wanting to share and blog about in relation to my weight-loss journey and where my life has taken me.  In the meantime, have a look at some of the things I've been up to.

Pioneer Trek In Wyoming!

Seattle Rock N Roll Half Marathon!

Quick trip to Cannon Beach, OR

Family Reunion!

Family Zumba! (FYI - I'm not a ZUMBA girl but it was fun to try. My niece is a certified instructor so she's a pro and makes it look so easy.) 

Family Time!


A weekend with family at the cabin in Coeur D' Alene! 


Branson, Missouri - With my daughter's dance team! (They spent the week opening for several shows. SO cool!)

 Oh, and shall I mention, I'm back in Seattle this week? Yep, it's true! (Love it!) My daughter is up here attending church camp and the hubby and son are off at scout camp. My best friend Tam and I are spending the week playing, exploring and hiking - some of the things I've fallen in love with in this smaller body of mine.


  1. I have missed your posts and look forward to hearing more from you in the future. :)

    Your summer looks fun!

  2. I have missed your posts and look forward to hearing more from you in the future. :)

    Your summer looks fun!

  3. oops.. sorry for hitting send twice..

  4. I love seeing all these great pictures. You're living life and that's what this journey is all about!!!

  5. I did notice that you were posting less of late, I always look forward to your blog posts as they are so encouraging to me. In fact, over my 3 week vacation I got SO behind on all the blogs that I follow that I only purposefully went back to catch up on my 3-4 favorites, and yours is at the top of that list. I also work at a school, I have about 10 days left before I have to go back. While I do like the structure of the school year, I think I like the freedom of summer even better, lol.v:)

  6. Thanks for sharing your vacation. Great photos! Look forward to reading more soon:)

  7. I'm so glad to hear you are having a great summer. Starting school is always bitter sweet for me - I also love the structure, but not the busy work that comes with it. So glad you got to do a trek - it's an experience everyone should do once in their life.

  8. Wow you have been busy! Do you live in Oregon? If so where? I live in Hillsboro.

    Enjoy the rest of your time off!!

    Stay focused!

  9. Glad to hear that you have had a wonderful summer! My son starts back this week and my daughter heads back to college a week later. I will miss the easy days of summer but I do love my routine!! btw, I have to tell you that I ran my first half (The Hot Mama Half) last Saturday!! I reread your race recap the morning of the race! I am so proud of myself! I said. in my head, many times "ok, God..I cant do this by myself but I can with your help" and I did! I cant wait to see what Fall brings!

  10. I enjoyed your pics! Have a great weekend with your bestie!
    My Running Shortz

  11. Gosh, no wonder we haven't heard much from you - life does get in the way and it looks like you've been having a blast!
