Friday, September 28, 2012

Support Team Member # 4!

It's that time of week again. Time to hear from one of the loves in my life. This week it's my beautiful 14 year old daughter, McKenna. She truly is a gem and has been such a trooper in supporting me through this journey. I know it isn't always easy to give up your Mom so she can get to the gym and get her exercise in, but the rewards that have come to our relationship have been nothing but pure joy. McKenna is the definition of pure joy! Not many people have to be around her before her countenance is contagious and her joy for life is spreading to others. Thank you for being you McKenna. Love you.

      My mom is such an inspiration to me and I know to so many others of you too. I loved her before she lost all her weight and I love her even more since her accomplishment. I'm so proud to have a mom who set such a difficult goal and worked so hard and reached it. Since she's lost her weight, I feel like we've been able to do a lot more activities together. This includes going on hikes, girls road trips, mom and daughter dates, clogging competitions,  and just spending time together!
      Not only is my mom a great mom (Like A+++), but she is also one of my best and closest friends. I love this about her.  I feel that since her weight loss, we've grown closer as mother and daughter and as friends. I feel that because we do all these fun things together now, our relationship has grown closer. She is so much fun to be around, and at times, I forget she's a mom because she can act so much like her teenage daughter, I love it! From lip syncing music, to trying to clog, my mom is the best! 
     I also feel that my mom is a major influence and example in my life. Ever since she's lost this weight, it's motivated me to try to do something new. Someday I hope to maybe join her in running a half marathon, a 5k, or even run with her for fun! Her passion for running has given me the desire to want to start running! Another thing I love about my mom is that she is so encouraging. I know she is encouraging to many of you but she is to me too. Sometimes after reading her blog I feel like I'm the lucky one that gets to live with her. She always has been encouraging, but even more so now. She's the first one to cheer me on and tell me how wonderful I am. 
     My mom is the best and I love her very much! She is one of my dearest and best friends. She motivates, inspires, encourages, and lifts me up! A true woman that walks with the spirit of our Heavenly Father. I hope to be just like the woman my mom is today when I'm grown up! She means the world to me, and I don't know where I'd be without her! Thanks for being such a great influence to not only me but to hundreds of others! I love you mom!




  1. Wow Paige. That was so sweet. You are so blessed and such a blessing.

    Loves to all of the Morrill's


  2. I love this post. It brought tears to my eyes. My daughter is 7 years old and doesn't remember me as heavy and is surprised when I show her photos of me 50 pounds heavier from a few years ago. McKenna I didn't realize it until I read your post, but what you say is so true - I do so many more fun things with my daughter now that I've lost weight. I get to experience so many more things because I'm free to be who I really am meant to be. I hope that my daughter and I will be as close as you and you're mom are. She must be really proud of you!

  3. Wow that was so sweet! I'm so happy that your relationship has grown through this journey.I hope I will be such an influence and friend to my daughters.

  4. Wonderful post! You're right, young're mom is a great inspiration! :)
