Friday, September 21, 2012

Support Team Post #3 - No One Has a Friend Quite Like This!

It's that time of the week again. Time to share another set of thoughts from one of the people who has been part of this journey from day one. One of the people who has spent countless hours side by side with me at the gym and has truly been there for me mentally, physically, and spiritually, every step of the way. 

Do you believe in kindred spirits? I sure do! This person is more than just my best friend, but more like my sister - the sister I never had. Funny thing is, we've even been told several times we look alike and are often asked if we're sisters. You'll see, we look NOTHING alike (polar opposites in fact) but I guess it's the nose and smile that people say are similar. 

I know God knew we needed each other and how grateful I am that He crossed our paths when He did.  What a treasure it is to have a friend that will literally give, hope, and dream your dreams with you and then watch them come true and be there for you every single step of the way. I am forever grateful and truly blessed! Love you Tam.

I was there (a poetic attempt)
by Tam

I was there
When your body was saying
It's over 
A disagreeable vessel 
No longer following orders
Spreading lies
Through your mind
Stuck in frustration
But there was a way out
It took some convincing
Badgering too
(I'm good at that)
But you agreed
With reluctance
With fear
With doubt
And bravery
All mixed together
That's how you met him
That very first time
Jacob saw
What you couldn't picture  
Gave new hope to a dream
That wasn't over
But had just begun

I was there
When you had your first Jacob workout
Sweating as I do
But waiting
While you threw up
Outside the building
You left the gym that day
But determined
You came back
I watched you
Find strength
Find courage
Find stamina
Find hope in a body
That had never been acquainted 
With such things

I was there
When you discovered bones 
You never knew existed
Protruding in unfamiliar ways
Many changes
Most you couldn't see
The beauty of your face
Always present
But slightly hidden 
It's true and intended shape
Appearing before our eyes
The form of your legs
Strong, shapely
Coveted by many
A thinner you all around
Top to bottom
Spectators noticed
They complimented
Left you with words
Though hard to accept
To hear
To be thankful for
To be the only one
Who couldn't see what we saw
How unfair 
For you

I was there
When your closet was bursting
With clothes you couldn't
Part with
Several sizes too large
You tried them all on
And were lost
In them
Hanging off your body
Dragging you down
Hiding your smaller self
Piles and piles and piles
Taken away
Layers and layers removed
Nothing left in your closet
To hide under
A quiet empty space
Left behind
Almost too quiet
Like something important
Was missing
Was erased
Was forgotten
But had to go
Room was needed
For your new

I was there
When you made sacrifices 
For days
For months
For what seemed like
So singleminded in purpose
Bulldogged and determined
Unwilling to budge
But willing to say no
To yourself
Something most people
Simply won't do 
You said it to 
That would slow you down
Even the smallest of bites
And sometimes
In the midst
of nay sayers 
Who couldn't handle your

I was there
When you could finally picture
The new
I could see it
In your eyes
Once a clouded vision
Never able to glimpse
A goal seemingly out of
Sight and reach
The day you 
Saw it
Felt it
Experienced it
Was the day I knew
Your goal was
Than you thought.

I was there
When you met your goal
133 pounds gone
From your body
From your mind
From your life
No more to return
Each pound
The right way
Not only at the gym
But in your mind
In your thoughts
Where the hard work
Really happened
A new
And right way
Of thinking
That would last a

I was there 
When you crossed the finish line
Of your first half marathon
The joy of the journey
Rushing to the surface
Remembering the day
When you thought
Four miles was
You learned the power 
Of believing
Of dreams
Of hope
Of faith 
In a God who strengthened you 
To do all things 
All this I know 
Because I was there 
And always will be

(Thank you Paige for including me on your journey.  You've accomplished things that I personally can't imagine pulling off.  You've got a determination like no other, which is inspiring on so many levels.  Even more importantly, you've got a ministry that came straight from God's heart.  He must be so pleased with you and how you bless countless people through this blog.  Thank you for listening and allowing Him to lead you.  I will forever proudly be your one and only best friend.  I love you.  Tam)




  1. I can see the Sister resemblance! Sister from another mother.

  2. What a tribute to you. What an amazing journey you've been on. What amazing success. What a great example you are to so many. What an amazing person of strength and courage. Way to go!

  3. So true, I remember seeing her picture once and was thinking, did page go blonde too?? Haa, what a blessing to have such an amazing friendship!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. An amazing journey made so much more by sharing it with a great friend! Wonderful!
    Conversations in Literacy

  5. Paige, I'm so glad to have found your inspiring story. Congratulations! Tammy sounds like a wonderful friend (she's certainly a great blogging cheerleader:) Thanks for this post.
    Mrs. Goff's Pre-K Tales

  6. I am so happy that I found your blog tonight through Tammy's post. I'm looking forward to coming back and reading some of your previous posts.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  7. I too, found your blog through Tammy's post. I am super excited to be following you and I can't wait to read more.

    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students
