Thursday, January 31, 2013

Believe, Don't Just Expect!

I found myself reflecting in the past few days on my journey and what has gotten me where I am today. I have to say that I wasn't very good at what I'm about to talk about for quite some time, but the reality is in order to get to your goal and be the person you want to be, you must first BELIEVE!
Like I said, I was very bad at this for months. In fact, if a grade were to have been given like in school, I can assure you it would have been an F, along with a letter wanting to meet with the parents. In other words, for months I was just going through the motions. I was eating well. I was going to the gym. I was drinking water and even losing weight. It's what I expected. Who wouldn't expect that after making those changes? And to some they may have even felt like sacrifices. I mean if I were going to school each day, somewhat trying, and getting my work in, you'd think I'd at least be passing the class right? Wrong! We cannot just expect...we must work at it.
For many months I didn't believe in myself. I didn't believe I could do it. I had so much weight to lose that it often times scared me. I was overwhelmed. I'd even find myself in tears about it.  I'd never be tiny, but I at least wanted to be smaller than I was at that moment. I didn't know how to even picture what that would look like. I didn't know if I was capable. Bottom line was, I didn't believe in myself!  All I knew was that I was going through the motions in hopes that I would see results. 
Results came but I learned quickly that unless I started believing I could do anything I put my mind to and keep on a path of a healthy lifestyle, like FOREVER, I would just be back at square one. Gain back the weight and feel even more like a failure because I wasn't able to do it the first time (or second or third). I learned that I couldn't do any of this until I believed in myself. I know I already blogged about the mind last week, but it really is key. It has the power to make or break you in all of this. We honestly cannot do all of this and just expect to change or expect results. We need to believe.  
I know it may sound a bit awkward that I believe in those of you who struggle with weight loss issues even though I've never even met you, but I do. I really do. If I can come from a place where I was and accomplish what I have, so can you. I honestly believe this. I know I don't know your personal situation and/or the things you are dealing with on your plate of life at this time, but I believe you can be the YOU you want to become. I believe you can make good choices. I believe you can listen to your heart. (I know it wants to be healthy and craves nothing but for you to be happy.) I believe you can honestly do anything you put your mind to. No, it's not easy but I believe you can do it. God believes in you. I believe in you.  Do you believe in you?


  1. Well said girl. That is the reason I've been plateaued and yo-yoed the last month. Until I believed it I was stuck. I couldn't taste the reward. I was giving up. Something changed in me last week. #1-my weight went up after I couldn't run and had to do a video instead. #2-my aha moment reappeared. Anyways last wed I said no more. I ate healthy and rocked a almost 6 miler in negative temps. I was on cloud nine. Saturday I went out and really pushed myself. I was set on doing an 8 mile route and felt so good I decided why not do two more miles. I admit I hit a walk but I pushed my way through and finished 10 miles. I teared up. I was so proud of myself and my accomplishment and I knew it I believed it I can do this. I can lose this weight that's holding me back. It will be hard it will take sacrafice but I'm more. I read your blog, as well as others and dream if making it towards my goal. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. Beautiful post. Just like the last one. I have nearly 70 lbs to lose and I am scared. This post was an eye opener. Thanks :)

  3. It is always SO good to catch up with you Paige! You continue to be such an inpiration to me and your words are always so timely! I just started my taper for my very first marathon (The Donna, Jacksonville Fla., Feb.17) I have done the training, the waiting is the hard part;) I am focusing on believing in myself, knowing that I am ready and able, with HIS steady hands! Have a great day!

  4. God knew I need to hear these posts on getting the mind to believe what the heart knows to be true, so he had you post about it again. :) Thank you!

  5. I just found your blog and it could not have come at a better time! I lost 80 pounds in two years but am now STUCK. I have 20 pounds to go until I reach a healthy weight and this has provided some great motivation. I've loved everything I've read so far!!

  6. Believing in yourself is one part of your journey but it doesn't stop there. You help everyone around you because you become a role model for everyone else! You're doing you but you are also contributing to the world in your life and with this blog. Congrats on your weight loss. Keep blogging. We are inspired!

  7. I bet you are a very well disciplined person, especially now that you've conquer another challenge in your life. Losing weight isn't just a physical thing because it also involves our emotional side. And I think you're strong enough for that. You're an inspiration!

    Just keep it up! Good luck! :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I can really relate to this post. You made me think and I realized I don't believe in myself - thanks for the encouragement to think about it.
