Sunday, January 6, 2013

What Paige Thinks About New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! I've been dragging my feel about this post for over a week now, and I really can't pinpoint why. I think it's maybe because I haven't wanted to ruin any body's thinking and/or motivation for the new year, but I will just come out and say it.  I really dislike new year's resolutions. In fact, I almost want to use the word "hate" but that word never leaves my mouth. (Believe me, in this case it was tempting.) I'm not sure why, but every time I've heard the word lately, I want to cringe. I would much rather hear people say things like, "My new way of life" or "Becoming a better me."  Whether it has to do with weight loss or something else you're wanting to change and work on, I think it sounds more personal.  More individualized. 
When I hear the word resolution I think of lots of people all at once trying to do or be better for a short time, and then it stops. It's like the focus is only for a period of time. In the past, maybe you worked on something for only a few weeks and others for a few months, maybe even a year. 
However, when you are thinking of making changes that involve losing weight (and wanting to keep it off) and becoming healthy, this is something that has to be considered carefully. It can't be something you only do for a few weeks or a few months until that cruise you have on the calendar or even just for a year. It has to be something that you are committed to doing forever. It becomes who you are. It becomes your lifestyle.

I know none of this is easy so it is important to just start small. Too much too soon can be overwhelming and discouraging. Not to mention, you may get burned out and have a desire not to continue. I know this was the case for me in the past. I started out strong and hard but then as time went on I teetered out and went back to my old ways. It was almost as if it was a contest to see how long I could go before I was back to eating and doing the things I was before. 

After finding my way and figuring out this whole process there is a spark in me that so wants other people to understand that it will only work if they start slow and take baby steps to success. A baby can't go from being born to walking in a matter of weeks. Thus we can't expect to decide we are going to be healthy and only do it for a certain amount of time. It's a lifelong commitment. 
There are so many things to consider when wanting to change your body. You need to map it out. The only way I was successful was to start out slow. Everyone is different, but I would suggest picking one thing this week that you haven't done in the past but are willing to try. It may be something to the effects of drinking 8 glasses of water, cutting out treats, or going for a walk. Pick something (just one thing) and write it down. Next week you can add to it and so on. Before you know it, you will have formed many new habits that contribute to a healthier YOU! And remember, you can do anything you put your mind to! 

P.S.Don't worry, I'm planning to write something down and share it with you next. 


  1. Great usual Paige!

  2. Right on Paige. I'm not a resolution person. I did set goals but it's towards the person I want to be. Not just weight loss. There just a reminder especially when the day is rough and it's easy to get off track. Side note: your inspiration has helped me a lot. When I'm feeling like I can't do it I take a moment and read my blog ladies and you all recharge me and help me get through it with your positivity. Thank you!

  3. Loved your post. This is actually the first year in a long time I have not set a New Year's Resolution and I think my year is off to a better start for it. To echo your thoughts on just picking one small thing to start, I have chosen to wake up each morning and before I'm out of bed I set my intention for the day. No need to overwhelm myself with the whole year. Today's intention was to just eat a small breakfast of toast with peanut butter. I'm usually a no breakfast gal and so today this was my small step. And you know what? Mission accomplished. Eventually all these small steps, these single days, these small intentions will add up to something big! Thanks Paige!
