Friday, March 22, 2013

Even the Health Screener Questioned How I Lost the Weight!

So last week I went in to the hospital where my husband works to have a mini health screening of sorts to see if we could get our insurance premium lowered. When I got there, I filled out the paperwork and got out my I.D. to present it to the lady handling the paperwork, as well as the nurse standing nearby who was going to then check my weight, BMI, glucose level, etc. So when I presented them with my drivers license they had a hard time believing it was really me. (No, mine doesn't expire until 2014, so I just haven't bothered to get a new one.) This seems to happen almost every time I need to show it to someone and verify it's really me.

(I don't want to post my actual drivers license with personal information on it so Imagine something similar to this this.)
This started a whole conversation amongst us about how I took the weight off. The two of them work in the health profession, so I thought their reaction would be different when I explained I did it the right way (eating right and exercise). Instead, it was almost as if they were shocked I hadn't had any type of surgery, taken some sort of magic pill, or had something clinically done. It was hard to comprehend. The looks on their faces were almost a pasty "How can that be?" type look. Really?  Does that much of society really rely on gimmicks and other methods of treatment to sugar coat the problem? Oh brother!

Just a shout-out to all of you who are working so hard and being diligent and losing weight the right way. It may not come off the fastest and it definitely is not the easiest, but I promise it's the only way that will give you pure peace and pure happiness. It will give you self-confidence and have you believing in yourself in ways you never thought were possible. It's a way of life that even if I were starting all over again, I wouldn't want to do it any other way.

FYI: Mini Health Screen Results

Weight: 152 (Yep, I tend to be anywhere from 147-152 on any given day.)
Glucose: 74 (I have no idea if that was good or bad.)
BMI: 22 (I've been lower than that but I'll take it.)
Blood Pressure: 112/76

Yep....A+ on the test and a lower insurance premium in the coming year! Wahoo!


  1. Wow, this is awesome, Paige! Now that I've found your blog I need to go through and read all your posts. :)

  2. Congrats on the great health screening! I am doing it the same way as well, no pills, surgery, etc. and it feels great to know I can! I always say I am not on a diet, just a lifestyle change, I have no plans on finding the weight I have lost ever again! :)

  3. Awesome, Paige! Glucose is perfect! Typically people are considered diabetic or "prediabetic" if they're greater than 130 and fasting. And it's true, I work in PACU, the recovery room after surgery, and you'd be surprised at how many people get bariatric surgery done to lose weight. It's interesting-those people have to do counseling and actually lose a certain amount of weight before they are able to get the surgery. I say, if they can lose a little weight before surgery, why not the rest of it?! That way you save on the painful recovery, the drastic changes in diet (like, ridiculously small portions-30 mL liquid at a time initially. While making sure to have nutrient dense foods so your body can absorb the nutrients that the part of the stomach that was removed can't now), plus don't have the potential for post operative complications, both immediately and down the road. Way to go! And way to make a lifestyle change out of it. Miss you!!

  4. We have to have blood work done and everything and this year they are checking for nicotine along with everything else they check.

  5. Congratulations! You look awesome! It is very inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Awesome! And so encouraging since I'm on the beginning side of losing half my body weight. (Down almost 10% already!)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Paige,

    I have always been so encouraged by your journey. You have a beautiful story to tell! I, too, have a beautiful story to tell even though you may not think that I have done it the "right" way. God works differently in everyone's life. And through gastric bypass surgery, God has done amazing work in my life. Bariatric surgery is not a gimmick and it's definitely not the easy way out. It's hard work. It's the life-changing tool He provided me. I, too, am experiencing pure peace and pure happiness that you're experiencing. He is the source - not the weight loss. :)

    Unfortunately many MANY people feel the way that you do and in turn many MANY people who have weight loss surgery feel judged and criticized and are cheated of enjoying the work God has done for them. I celebrate with anyone who has taken charge of their life and have overcome their food addiction. I celebrate that they have found the "right" way for them.

    As you, I have changed my lifestyle. I work with a nutritionist. I work with a counselor to change the behaviors. I trust God to guide me through every single step. Not everyone makes the necessary changes for long term success - regardless of the "how" in their journey.

    On a different note, I am surprised that the medical staff reacted like they did. I guess there are a lot of misconceptions out there, huh?

