Saturday, March 2, 2013

Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Hi.  If you're looking for Paige, you won't find her here.  She's been helping her husband and family say goodbye to her dear mother-in-law who passed away on Monday.  I'm sure she would appreciate your prayers.  In the meantime, I'm watching over her blog while she's doing this very hard but important thing.  I promise to take really good care of it and all of her wonderful readers.  

My name's Tammy, and I'm Paige's numero uno best friend.  Unlike Paige, I have not done the amazing work of losing 133 pounds, but I was there when she lost each one.  If you've heard her story, seen her pictures, and wondered whether it's true, I can tell you that it is.  Some people look at her before and after pictures and think, "That's not even the same person."  Believe you me, it is.  Some people hear how she lost the weight and think, "Seriously?  I can't believe she lost all that weight simply be eating right and working out.  She must have took pills or had surgery or something."  Nope, she didn't.  She's the real deal.

I believe it was my Uncle Burt who coined the phrase "long obedience in the same direction."  He used the phrase at church, but it pretty much sums up Paige's story too.  When you look at her before pictures and then compare them to her after pictures, you're seeing long obedience in the same direction.  This thing called getting healthy is not about putting oneself on a diet.  A diet is something a person sees themselves doing for a short period of time.  It's not something that will sustain a person for a lifetime.  Paige doesn't believe in diets and neither does her best friend.  We do believe in long obedience in the same direction though.  If you're wanting to get healthy and lose weight, look past the diet and make a commitment to a life of taking care of yourself.  Long obedience in the same direction will get you where you want to go and keep you there.  It sure did for Paige.


  1. Paige,
    May God wrap His loving arms around all of you and give you all His peace.

  2. My prayers for the family and you truly are a great friend!

  3. Paige is an inspiration and so are you, Tammy:)

  4. Hardwork only give results and excuses never work outs. So if you are doing anything rather than losing weight give your 100% dedication the work will surely be a success i guarantee.

  5. You must be a wonderful friend! Your words are so kind!

  6. "Long obedience in the same direction" I love that!!! I think I'll print it out and put it on my fridge.

    What a wonderful friend you are.
