Monday, April 15, 2013

My Boston Friends

I was sitting at my desk at work today when the school nurse came through the door and told me about the 2 explosions that had just taken place at the Boston Marathon. We quickly pulled up the news. My heart stopped. My heart sank. I felt like I needed to do something to help in that very moment, but the only thing I could do was pray. Pray for comfort. Pray for victims and families. Pray for understanding. Pray for forgiveness. Pray for peace. 

Running is such a personal undertaking and embarking on a race of any kind can be a huge thing for many. It often times makes us stretch ourselves to do things we never thought were possible. It is supposed to be a time of joy, accomplishment, celebrating health, and celebrating the bodies that God has created for us. It is also about discovering who we are, not being afraid to try new things, and reaching out to others. Together with all these things we become a community of runners. Boston or wherever, we are family.

I know the two races I've done there's been a sense of unity when you arrive at the starting line the morning of the race. Thousands of total strangers talking with one another, loaning sweatshirts to people like me who are cold, running together, talking or being encouraging as we're running and much more, creating an instant family. With that being said, I couldn't imagine having something happen like what unfolded this morning. Something so tragic that it did nothing but create a sense of darkness, hurt, fear, and everything that God is not. 

I will not give whoever is responsible the satisfaction of thinking that doing something like this will put a damper on the running community. In fact, it makes me want to run all that much more. Today was a 4-miler and most of the time for me was spent in prayer on behalf of Boston and my running friends there. God is good. He will bring peace to our hearts, healing to our souls, and a desire to continue on. He is just good like that. 

Bless you all.....



  1. Not even knowing you, my first thoughts were wondering if you were there. Such a tragic, senseless and cowardly act has once again rocked our nation. The Scripture you reference above is so very important and perfect to remember. Praying with you for God's peace that only He can deliver!

  2. Truth Paige! I did "know" anybody running but I felt like I did. We runners fight for ever step and to have someone try to take that away is heart retching. But we know god was there in the hearts of those that sprang into action, in those that crossed the finish line and went to the hospital to give blood for the injured. God has a plan and may this horrible tradegy be a reminder of living life to fullest and to be grateful. Awesome post Paige!

  3. A great reminder, Paige, because honestly I did have a moment where I wondered if I'd ever want to try a larger race after the events that unfolded in Boston.

    But then I remembered that God knows the number of our days and I will, no I need not live in fear of those who commit senseless acts of violence.

    Your blog is a shining lights in my blogroll and I'm grateful you speak truth.
