Monday, April 1, 2013

Sharing My Story 101

Saturday morning I had the chance to speak to a group of ladies who are just finishing up there own version of a "Biggest Loser" challenge. Believe it or not, it was the first time I really have spoke in that kind of setting. The crazy thing is, I don't know what made me say "Yes" when I was asked to do this as I am so not a public speaker and REALLY don't care to speak in front of groups of people. But guess what? I tried it. It's not so bad. Not only that, it blessed me to be able to do it.  I seem to share my story or at least bits and pieces of it to people all the time but to actually tell it how it was for me from start to finish turned out to be very special. (Yes, I only teared up a couple different times but I just couldn't help it.)  

In some ways there were some ladies in that room that I knew had to have felt the way I had in the beginning months of my journey. I could just tell. My heart hurt for them. This challenge had only been going on for a few months, and when you have a large amount of weight to lose, as did I, it's hard for others to tell you're even making progress in those first few months other than feeling better about how you are eating and physically feeling. Almost always, others haven't quite noticed the weight loss has started. 

One of the best parts about my morning was not only did I get to speak to these great women, but I got to bring my trainer Jacob with me! The one who inspired me, pushed me, and believed in me far before I ever even believed in myself. Love him!  It was great to hear him talk to these ladies about how they can accomplish just what I had done, even if that means following a different path to get there. "Just do it!" he says. 

I so badly when it was all over wanted to pull those few aside that I knew were struggling and are where I was to tell them they can SO DO THIS. In fact my heart wanted to do it for them but God reminded me I can't. This is one of those things they will have to overcome on their own and I get to help Him be the cheerleader. One day at a time. Each day getting closer to that goal. Yes!  

I'm grateful for my sunny Saturday morning yesterday. It was a chance for me to reflect on again, what I had been through and how far I've come. Not only that,  I could remind myself how much happier life is for me now compared to then. That in and of itself is worth helping  others want to make the change and get healthy. We can do anything as long as we believe we can.


  1. Good for you! You have came a long way. Such an inspiration. :)

  2. Truly inspiring and you truly found Joy in the Journey!

  3. Just 'found' you, and yes, you are truly amazing and inspiring! I'm always on the hunt for people who are successful at weight loss maintenance, and so glad to have found you!

  4. I am one who has just started on this journey. Even though I have been at this place countless times before, I am seeing this time that each day is full of choices I make. God has been changing my thinking through inspiring women like you. I love coming back here to hear what you have to say. It's always so uplifting and encouraging. You are a blessing, thank you!

  5. Paige you are a blessing and an inspiration. I was so glad to have seen your guest post on momma laughlins pages months ago. After reading your journey yes all of it cause that's how I roll, I knew I could accomplish my goals again. I could find that girl that had been hiding underneath the fluffiness. Thank you for continuing to inspire others. Your honesty is refreshing and your proof that hard work pays off and can stay off.

  6. Paige, I just finished reading your entire blog- every post! Your journey is amazing, but what's even more amazing is how you are sharing this with others, even the tough stuff. Thank you!
