Thursday, May 9, 2013

Running in the Heat!

Yep, just got back from a run and it was not pretty. 84 degrees and humid. Yuck! Now I know I have a lot of fellow bloggers that run in much hotter weather on a daily basis, but when this girl isn't used to that type of heat on a regular basis, it's a bit of a shocker! Today felt different too. In fact I've been training with a heart rate monitor and running fairly slow to keep my heart rate under 140 but today I ended up having to walk the last mile and it still was up near 147. Eek! Good news is, I guess while training with a heart rate monitor I better avoid heat. (Just kidding.)

I'll be honest though, I truly do dread running in the heat. In fact it puts me in a bad mood. It seems so much harder.  You can't breathe. Not to mention your body feels like 1000 pounds hitting the cement each time you take a step. Most times I can adjust and survive but today was pushing it. 

Today was also a reminder of how important water is. I had a busy day at work and my water intake was near to none. Now if you know me, that is not good. I'm usually visiting the water jug and restroom regularly during the course of the day. I could feel the lack of water in my run today. I would have felt it I'm sure with any run but especially with the heat today, it stuck out in a big way. Water, water, water! Guess what I'm doing now? 

Praying for better results tomorrow when we hit the pavement for 9 miles!


  1. Good job pushing through! And I am working on my first water of the day..hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!


  2. Gaaa I hear you the first hot day here sucks. It's not even that hot but when your used to cold temps that first day is a shocker. What heart rate moniter do you use?

  3. Ugh, running in the heat is the WORST. I'm a big baby about it, and will pretty much do anything to avoid it ;) Great job sticking it out!
