Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer Recap & Back to Reality

I have gotten SO many emails and notes from everyone over the past 8 weeks that is has humbled me in more ways than one. To think that so many of you enjoy my blog like you do, made me smile. So, thank you. In all honesty, as I've written in previous posts, I started this blog for myself. To go back and relive the journey of losing 133 pounds. I never imagined in the process, it would turn into what it is becoming in my life (something I look forward to doing) and for the wonderful people I am "cyber meeting" along the way. 

I promise I am doing well. I never have gone this long between posting, so I can understand the reason for every one's concern. Really, for me, summer happened and school started. My two busiest times of year. 

Like I said, I remember when I started this blog it was a chance to go back and journal my thoughts, feelings, and experiences of what life was like at nearly 300 pounds and then how I got to where I am now. I really was doing the writing for myself more than anything else. It wasn't long before people started to jump on board, leave the sweetest of comments, and start reading my every post. That in and of itself started to do something to me. The thought of my words, feelings, and me sharing some of the things I'd been through became motivating. I remember being that victim trapped in my own body for so many years and the idea that I may be inspiring even one person to continue on, to press forward, to work at the hard as they struggle on their own journey, made me want to continue to pay-it-forward and share my thoughts. So, thank you for being patient with me while I spent the past 8 weeks playing with my family.
Mt. Si..... 4,167 elevation in 4 miles. Yep, pretty much straight up!
  It was a cloudy day but beautiful and sunny above the clouds at the top.
Mt. Rainier!    

 On our way up.....

 Time in Seattle with Family...

 Oregon Coast with my three favorite people.

My attempt at a jumping photo with my son. :)

Now that summer is officially over and I've been back to work for a few weeks, (I enjoy my summers off) it's back to reality. I've been active all summer, but the gym is definitely calling my name as far as being a regular again. I think my blog is too. 


  1. Wow Paige! This was fun to read! I'm so happy to have met you and I'm excited for the time we will get to spend working together!

  2. Great to hear from you. I just ordered hiking poles, could you provide any info on using them (noticed in your pic you have them).
