Thursday, March 27, 2014

Humbled Yet Overwhelmed

A couple weeks ago a friend of mine from high school, who also trains with the same trainer I do, contacted me and asked if she could put a blurb about my weight loss on her blog, Our Best Bites.  Even though I tend to be a fairly private person, I didn't have any problem with it. In fact, I didn't even have to write anything or submit any pictures. She took the pictures she wanted from my blog and was just referencing me in her post, so it was a simple transaction on my part. Now, I know everybody LOVES Sara and Kate's blog. I mean who doesn't? I read it all the time. They are both such great writers and I'm always uplifted after spending a few minutes on their posts each week. I guess for me, I had NO IDEA that I would have SO (and I mean SOOOOOO) many people emailing me asking me questions, asking for advice, sharing their own struggles and stories, etc. after she posted that week. 

Honestly, it's been not only overwhelming but humbling. It's another reminder to me of just how real this journey is for so many. How real it was for myself.  To hear the hurt in the voice of so many emails, the frustration of not seeing results, and the longing and desire to change and be different are all tender feelings pouring into my inbox on a daily basis from real live people who are sitting where I once was. I so appreciate each one of you for reaching out to me. It's touched me in a special way. Maybe a part of my own healing?  I will do my best to respond to your emails in the order they were received but please be patient. Remember, I'm a full-time mom, wife, and also work a full-time job so my time is limited but I do want to get back with you. 

In the meantime, I'm working on a Q & A post. I've started to take some of the general questions I am getting and will answer them in a post in the near future. If you have anything you would like to ask, that you are wanting me to answer, now is the time! You can leave questions in the comments below or send it via email. Hopefully this will help. I know it will help me feel like I'm not ignoring you. :D

In the end, I want you to know that I'm glad you stumbled across me and my blog. Make yourself at home.  A lot of things you may want to know about me you can find in earlier posts. Often times when people ask about my blog, I will tell them to start from the beginning and work their way forward. For as private as a person that I am, I really do open up on here. I think a lot of that is just me finding myself through this journey, and also, because deep down, I want to pay-it-forward and inspire someone else to change their life just like I did. It took a leap of faith for me to ever start losing weight. In the same respect, it takes a leap of faith for me to blog so openly about my experiences. It do it for myself, but I also do it so it can bless others. 

Happy Thursday!


  1. :) I love that you do this. Thanks for sharing your private struggles. It really does help me. Melissa

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After I read Sara's post, I immediately clicked over to your blog and started at the beginning. I have really enjoyed reading it and have shared it with a few others. I really appreciate that you share your journey and I plan to go back and read it all again. It's kind of nice to read AFTER you've lost your weight instead of while you're still going through it because we know it has a happy ending. Keep the posts coming! Cheryl

    1. Thank you Cherly! I'm so glad you're enjoying the blog. Feel free to stop by anytime!

  3. Thanks for being open to share. I glean so much inspiration from reading blogs. :-)

  4. I've really enjoyed your posts and look forward to visit the blog where your story is. My 2014 has been pretty stressful and after having skin removal surgery on my abdomen I feel so off track. Coming back to checking in on blogs helps me so much, so thank you for writing.

    I'm not on Facebook, but I'm tempted to...just to see what you'll post. :) We'll see. lol Have a good day! from another reader who is greatly inspired by your continual victory in weight loss and maintenance.

    1. Thanks Leah! I love that you have read my blog and always have sweet things to say. Facebook isn't scary, I promise. I was a late bloomer too and it's been fun. I've posted a few things.
