Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Out of Sync and Celebrating!

It has been so long since I have had the time to sit down and dedicate a few minutes to my blog and express my thoughts and where I am at with things. First off, I should probably explain that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth as some have written and asked. Honestly, my life has been  full of changes and challenges. Now that things are finally settling down again, I'm finding that I need that quiet time, that reassurance that comes from sitting down and expressing my thoughts about health, weight loss, and my journey. It's something that I always enjoy, and it brings me peace and allows me to not only reflect on where I've been, but also allows me move forward and experience the joys and also the struggles that come from being a former fatty. 

To bring you up to speed, my husband and I decided to put our house on the market in August. We honestly had no idea if it was the right timing to sell or not as the market has been hit and miss for so long now. Anyway, the house sold in 3 days. Because of the timing of things we had nothing lined up or hadn't even begun looking for a new house. We spent the next several weeks toying around with the idea of building or buying. We finally settled on an existing home, spent 6 weeks doing some remodel, and after staying 6 weeks with family and living 14 years in our old house, moved into our new place. We've been here 3 weeks now and it already feels like home. Is it crazy to say that I haven't been in my old house since the end of September and I have yet to miss it? 

Because of the way my life has been the past 12-14 weeks with everything going on and working on the house day in and day out, getting to the gym has been non-existant. I know.  It's bad and I can feel it and see it. I did manage to run a couple times a week while staying at my parents house, along with doing a half marathon the end of October but that wasn't enough to keep me on track.

Because all of us are different and we require different things to get us to our fitness goals, just doing cardio doesn't cut it for me. My body needs that resistance training more than anything. I actually got on the scale and I am 9 pounds above where I call "my happy place." This is the place where I feel the most fit, the most healthy. My clothes still fit, just tighter than I want them. I am learning that as we go through trials or big changes in our lives, there are going to be set-backs. In some ways, even though I don't like it, I think this is good for me. Both mentally and physically. It's going to make me work hard at a new aspect of this journey we call maintenance and keep trudging forward.

Being out of sync can be debilitating. I can see that now. But it's how we put things into action and press forward that's going to mold us and create a new fire to get us back to our "happy place." Here's to getting myself back to that very place and using my blog as a way to journal my thoughts and allow you a tour of the journey. 

Oh yes, and don't you love how I posted this 2 days before Thanksgiving? Ha! I'm going to try not to be too naughty when it comes to my food choices but then again it's Thanksgiving. Yep, I'm eating naughty. ALL DAY! 


  1. Great to hear from you. I hired a trainer because of your recommendation. She totally transformed how I worked out and I thought I knew so much! Best part is I can workout hard and only have aches from the workout - not pain/injury. Thank you!

  2. Thank you! Paige you ALWAYS inspire me. I have had hormonal changes and gained 5 pounds. Your blogged helped me keep it in prespective. Big hugs and gratitude for someine who gets it.

  3. I have never commented before, but I want you to know how much I appreciate that you are willing to share your story with its up AND downs. I recently gained back 12 pounds and am trying to find the courage to try again... Thank you for your post and congratulations on your new home!

  4. you went through a lot and accomplished so much ..be proud. have fun.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
