Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Family Pictures! (Then and Now)

 I was thumbing through the pictures on my computer last night and decided it was time I posted some horrific family pictures. Again, this was one of those moments where I thought, "WOW, I was that big?!" Take a look for yourself.

Isn't it interesting how 90% of the time I'm hiding behind someone else? I got pretty good at this, and in fact, I often times would try to avoid getting my picture taken altogether.

The next couple of pictures I was in the process of losing the weight but it still didn't seem to stop me from my hiding technique. (It took me a long time to see me as a smaller person. Sometimes I'm still in awe.)

Guess what? I'm sitting in the front and feeling okay with it! Yeah!

 Check this one out.....Steve and I both in a pipe together! Are you kidding me? 
 Look at all the fun things I can do now that I'm skinny. Being a goof being one of them!


  1. ARGH! I love it! I've blogged about family pics twice and how I HATE them because I am in them. I, too, use the "hide behind the kids" technique. Sadly, when I weighed almost 250 lbs., it didn't work much.

    This post gives me such great hope that I'll be able to be silly in pics with my kids/family one day.

    I cannot thank you enough for posting this! THANK YOU!

    1. You're welcome! I'm looking to seeing those silly pictures some day. :)

  2. Ya know Paige - when I look at these pictures I can see that you are beautiful regardless of the weight, but what really shows in your current pics is joy and confidence.

  3. Beautiful you. Beautiful family.

  4. What a GORGEOUS family!! You look so amazing! I know all too well about hiding behind others in pictures. I'm actually glad I have some of those old photos to remember where I have come from - even though I have a way to go! :-)

  5. I notice that I did the same thing, Paige. I always always trying to get just a "face" picture or stand behind others. You look great!!!!!!!! Isn't it a wonderful feeling to be able to not only love yourself, but love the way you look? Keep up the great work, you're fabulous!

  6. You are so right, our last family picture was when I lost all the wieght and was feeling great....sadly that was before I had Kjari! So...she isn't included!! She is now 5!!! I have decided I am just going to get the kids picture taken together! That is sad!! I need some serious motivation!! I guess this is a good push! :(

    1. Hang in there Crystal! I will tell you, it's all been worth it!

  7. Paige- just want to say thank you for blog. I have been working with Jacob for a year and half and have reached my goal weight. It is comforting to know that other people feel the same way I did when I was heavier but more importantly during my journey and now getting used to being smaller.

  8. Stinking well awesome!! I love your header. What joy there seems to be going on there!!

  9. Paige- email me. I want to feature you on the blog as a success story!

    mama (dot) laughlin (at) yahoo (dot) com

  10. The change in those pictures is amazing, congrats on your transformation! I had also mastered the art of either hiding behind other family members or avoiding pics completely. It's kind of odd for me now (almost 100 pounds less) to be willing to be "seen".

    1. It takes some getting used too doesn't it? I'm so happy for you too! You're looking great!

  11. Wow, I just came across your blog, and your story is awesome! I'm your blog's newest follower. Check out my own (relatively new) weight-loss blog if you want to. The URL is: laurengetslittler.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks Lauren! I'll have to stop by and check yours out too!

  12. Thanks for deciding to share about your weight loss success, Paige. You're an inspiration to us all! :) I especially like what you said about doing and being anything we dream of. I'm going to post that somewhere in my house where I can see it regularly.
    P.S. Also, I like that you don't swear or imply swearing when you write. How refreshing! :)

    1. Thank you so much Sara! It's true....we can be anything we want to be!

  13. Wow! I just came across your story and am truly inspired. Congratulations on all of your results, you look great! I also love your post about cottage cheese...I could it with every meal!

  14. Thanks for dropping by Emily! Cottage cheese rocks!

  15. Just finding your blog! My 13 yo walked by and said...How much has she lost? I don't know, was my reply. I found this post on the side of your blog. Oh my goodness, what a difference AND what a BEAUTIFUL family you have! I hope I can start coming out from hiding during photo sessions.
