Friday, March 9, 2012

Food Friday - Yogurt Addiction!

I must say that in the past couple of years I've become a yogurt addict! I love it. I love it plain, I love it with granola, and I love it with chopped almonds. For the longest time I was buying just the cheap low-fat brand at my local grocery store. Then I discovered the CHOBANI brand, which I love. It's a greek yogurt. Thick, creamy and full of flavor.

But then a couple of weeks ago I tried the Dannon OIKOS greek yogurt. Wow! I'm hooked.  It's my new favorite! I love yogurt that's thick and creamy, and this is by far more thick and creamy than even CHOBANI.

I don't ever use yogurt for a meal, but it certainly is a great snack - from between 120-140 calories a serving, low in sugar, full of live cultures (trust me, this is what you want), and a great source of protein. Not to mention, it helps keep your digestive system healthy and working properly.  Favorite flavor: vanilla by far! 


  1. I am totally with you on this one! I actually tried several brands of Greek yogurt before I discovered Oikos. I knew Greek yogurt was good for me, but I did not like the flavor until I found Oikos--vanilla! Yea!

  2. I'm there with you. Gotta love yogurt. But of course I'm cheap and I but the plain non greek style kind. It also last longer because the kids don't like it as much as I do! Good post.

  3. Thanks for telling me about your blog! I love to find new blogs to read. You look awesome!
    I also love, love, love to eat greek yogurt. I eat it probably once a day!


  4. Costco sells a Greek yogurt called FAGE. I Love it! It is plain and fat free. I just add fresh or frozen fruit and a little stevia (truvia) to sweeten.

  5. I was also a confirmed Chobani fan...until I tried Oikos! (Ok, I'll admit it- I was drawn in by the adorable John Stamos commercials!) I just tried the Oikos honey flavor today, and I love it! I use the French vanilla almost every day, it's really good stuff!

  6. I’m a self-confessed yogurt addict! I never thought that there was such a thing as a guilt-free dessert! Though I eat flavored yogurt, I still prefer the plain ones. Yogurt is the best!

  7. I've just started making my own at home, and it has so much more flavor than store-bought, even the good brands. It's easy as long as you have a good thermometer.
