Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Live in the Moment!

Looking back, I've learned what a huge roll the mind plays within us as we try to lose weight. In fact, I think it's the biggest obstacle. More so than any exercise or eating regimen. The MIND! (This was true for me anyway.)
All I can say is, whatever you're in the middle of trying to accomplish, focus on the moment. To understand how to live in the moment you must first realize that this is about participation rather than just observation. Focus is no easy task in a society which so many of us dwell on the past or anticipate the future. This is something I admit I was terrible at while losing the weight. I was often times doing just that..dwelling on the past and not being able to see myself in the future. Not a good combination when you're trying to change your life.
Don't worry about what you did or didn't get done at the gym yesterday, or start comparing what you were doing last week to this week, or what food you should or shouldn't have put in your mouth. Learn to live in the moment. What is going on right now. Today. In the next few hours. Pay attention and make note of how you feel when your making good food choices and choosing to exercise. Write it down if you need too. When you look at it like that, getting to the gym or choosing to make good choices are often better and don't seem so unmanageable.
When you find yourself wishing for something you don't have, or wishing your life would be different, start your dreaming by being thankful for what is already in your life. This will bring you back to the present moment. Again. make a list if you need to. You don't want to miss the gifts right in front of you. If you are thankful for what is, you'll be happy to be in the moment instead of some place else.
All in all, Just remember that the greater your ability to truly focus on the present moment, the greater the likelihood that you will enter into that state of focused immersion often referred to as “the zone.” When we get into that "zone" state, nothing can stop us!
What am I doing in the moment? Relishing the fact that even though it's been a long day, I just returned from a much needed run my body had been waiting for. Now it's off to prepare a taco salad and help a kiddo with homework. 

What are you doing in the moment?


  1. I just have to comment on your Header again (I think I did once before). It inspires me. You look like you are so enjoying being fit and healthy. I'm looking forward to that day for me. God bless.

    1. Thank you so much Sharon. It's one of my favorite pictures too.

  2. Played volleyball for two hours. gonna hate life tomorrow morning getting up early with the kids, but it is worth the good ball! Thanks for this post! love it. "be present". that is my new motto. improve the moment. make it shine.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kristy! Yes, be present! :)

  3. While I'm not a fan of your Florida Gator-like shoes (FSU alumn here!), I'm grateful for your input. Thanks for being daily motivation for me!

    1. You're welcome Samantha. Thanks for following along. My shoes are actually BSU bronco colors! We live in BRONCO NATION! :)

  4. I have second Sharon's comment about your header, I also find it tremendously inspirational- every time I come to your blog that header gives me a lift and encourages me to take myself to that same level of fitness and joy.

    1. Sharon, you are always so sweet. Thank you!

  5. Oh don't tell me you've succumbed to the "I love Boise State" craze in this state. You must have, who else would buy blue and orange shoes.

    1. Yep, I sure have! Special ordered them and all. :)

  6. totally needed to hear this today. thank you!

    1. You're welcome Hanne! Thanks for dropping by.

  7. Awesome and very true post. Thank you!

  8. I believe the basic thing is that you should love yourself and your body. You just have to support your love with some actions. For me physical activity works best. In order to keep myself toned I am taking Multipurpose High-Potency Super Nutritional Complex. This dietary supplement is manufactured by Military Grade and contains natural compounds. My body is grateful and is willing to exercise whenever I ask it to :)
