Sunday, March 18, 2012

Get Rid of the Clothes.....All of Them!

One of the hardest things about losing weight and changing your life forever is the moving forward and never going back. This includes emptying the closet once and for all of ALL clothing that no longer fitsBelieve me, this was not at all easy. In fact, looking back it was probably one of the hardest things mentally I had to do on this journey.  Yet it has played a key role in my success and where I am today.
As we lose weight, why is it that we want to hang on to those clothes we slowly start to grow out of? Seems somewhat crazy doesn’t it? I mean we should be celebrating and getting rid of them. But we don’t. Do we even like them? (I know for me, most of them were big and baggy with a lot of “give” around the mid-section so I could easily hide or tug at my shirt to hide the rolls of fat.) Are we keeping them around just in case for some reason we can’t keep the weight off and we need to grow back into them some day? Are they a source of a security blanket in our lives? Whatever the reason may be, you will not change who you are and your lifestyle if you can’t let go of the past. Clothes being a BIG part of it. Get them out of the closet and more importantly, out of the house! It will never be a lifestyle change until you can agree to do this. Like I’ve said before, I at one time lost 40 pounds but then over time slowly put the weight back on. The scary part was that I really didn’t know how much weight I was gaining back because as the pounds crept back on I would just slide myself back into those clothes that were hanging in the closet, waiting to someday be worn again. Can anyone relate? 
This is how getting rid of my clothes once and for all played out for me. I knew for a while I was needing to do this (getting rid of the clothes that is). It was agreeing with myself that kept holding me back. It really is a big deal to commit to never going back.  To believing in yourself enough that you can accomplish anything you want. I remember my trainer had suggested it was time. Time to get rid of the old and start dreaming about the new. (Often times I’d show up to a workout session in clothes that were way too big and needed to be recycled.) I remember being on pins and needles of sorts for several days leading up to this point.  “I’m ready. No, I’m not. Yes, I am”....and this went on. It was a summer evening and my husband was working. I’m guessing it was close to 9pm or so. I felt like it was time. I remember sending a message to my friend Tammy. (She's one of my support team members. Read about my support team here.) The message back was...”On my way!” She was at my doorstep within 10 minutes and the project began. Piles and piles started to mound on my bed, along with belts and several pairs of shoes that were now too big because my feet weren’t as fat. I had doubts about what we were piling up several times. “Oh, I like this. This still fits.” It was very hard and emotional as I was saying goodbye to my old life. The things that had provided me with security for years were going to be gone. As we bagged them up and hauled them out to the car I knew there was no going back. I remember lying in bed that night feeling somewhat numb but relieved at the same time. Tomorrow would be a new day and even if I didn’t have anything to wear, I was one step closer to being who I wanted to be and nothing was going to stand in my way. Not even clothes that were too big, hanging in my closet waiting to be worn!

By tackling this project head on, you will have no choice but to press forward, with faith, believing you can become anybody you’ve always dreamed of being. Yes, it’s scary. Very scary! You saw the picture of my closet when all was said and done. I had nothing left! I felt empty and scared. But one thing was certain. After taking that step, I knew nothing was impossible for me and that I was on my way to being who God had created me to be.


  1. You rock. I have a feeling that God is saying something to me through this--about holding on to things that need to get out of my closet, my house, my mind. Bless you, my friend.

    1. Thanks Laurie! God does work in mysterious ways doesn't He? (Too bad it's taken me 40 years to figure it out!) Bless you as you rid of your closet, house, and mind.

  2. awesome! i have only recently started following your blog, but this is talking to ME! i keep digging through my closet, and end up putting things on that fit baggy, because i am so self conscious. i lost 46 pounds a year or so back, and put back on about 30 of it, and i had kept, just a few things, in case. in case WHAT!? i am back on weight watchers, and down 25 pounds again. so pretty close to where i was after that 46 pound point. i got a call this week from the disabled veterans saying they would have a truck in my area this Thursday, if i wanted to donate. perfect opportunity to bag up those clothes. plan on doing it tomorrow, and through the week as i have time. thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Hanne, Thanks for following along. Yes, get rid of those clothes! Down 25 pounds again? You rock! There will be no more holding onto the clothes "just in case." Bag em' up and get them out for the truck! No need to keep the past hanging around. Misery loves company.

  3. I agree with Laurie. It's time to move forward. Whether it is clothes, or makeup, or knick knacks or books, or things, it is time to let go of the past so that I can be what God intends.

    Bless you Paige.

  4. Such a great post. So insightful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

  5. I was thinking about this tonight, funny you posted this today! I'm haven't lost enough yet to start getting rid of things, but I am looking forward to the day that I lose enough to send that skirt to goodwill and move onto the skirts that fit now. Thank you for the words of insight....

    1. You're welcome Amber. Thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to hearing about you giving those clothes away! :)

  6. Wow! I totally have done that. I kept wearing the capris that were a size too big and I grew back into them because I could! Then I couldn't fit into my jeans when it got fall. Keep writing! You're like my own little reminder that I can do it too.

    1. Thank you Melissa! Guess what? You CAN do this!

  7. This is a great idea!! I am still wearing pants that are WAY too big for me and my husband asked me yesterday to get rid of them. I almost had a heart attack thinking "but if I gain weight back, what will I have to wear" It was an eye opener for sure! I am so looking forward to reading more and being inspired more by you Paige!

    1. Get rid of them Crystal! You won't regret it, promise!

  8. It's funny that you mention that it's not JUST getting the clothes out of the closet, it's also getting them GONE. Just this morning I accidentally kicked the huge bag of clothes I removed from my closet but haven't quite gotten around to actually moving out of my bedroom. I'm wearing size 8 clothes now, but still have a selection of every size from 24 down to 10 sitting around. I'm going to take your blog entry as a kick in the pants to finish cleaning out the closet and to TAKE those clothes to the thrift store at my son's school as one of my spring break projects next week. :)

    1. Sherrie, No need to keep those clothes're 1 pound from your goal! Get rid of them....forever!!!!

  9. Thankfully, I kept those clothes (mostly jeans and shorts) that don't fit these days. I feel like I won't be as hesitant to give up my fat clothes once I can break out the smaller sizes!

    1. I wish I could have thought like that! I for some reason wanted to hang on to them.....for years no less!

  10. I was just thinking about this this morning. I don't want to get rid of my clothes since I've invested so much in them and, "what if I need them!" I got the message loud and clear! Thanks for posting this! :D

    1. No need to keep them! Promise, you'll be much happier if you and part from them now, instead of later. Plus, the new ones are much cuter and you'll like them more anyway. :)

  11. I recently found your blog and I am a stalker ;) I actually cannot get rid of my clothes at all and this was so motivating! I had gastric bypass 16 months ago and for some reason I feel doomed that I will get fat again. Need to work on the HEAD part of this now that the body is taken care of. I am going to walk upstairs after this and start the process. Thank you for that boost.

    1. You're welcome Marisa. How did it go?

      I agree, changing how we think and see ourselves is one of the hardest parts of this journey.

  12. Great post Paige!
    I remember doing the same, feeling so indifferent about getting rid of them.
    My husband even tried to convince me to keep some of them for "after I had baby #2" but I KNEW that was a recipe for disaster, so off they went.
    It was hard. But definitely a step in the right direction!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Brandi! Nice move on saying goodbye to those clothes before baby # 2. You know how it needs to be done!

  13. I am new to your blog and I love how inspiring it is. THANK YOU for your posts. After years of going up and down in weight and realizing I am not having anymore children, I finally got rid of everything that was too big. It was only a bag full. But now there is only one direction to head and that is smaller. I can't go back because there is nothing to wear. Thanks for posting this.

    1. You're welcome Kim. Thanks for following along. You're right, now that you've made that decision, there is only one way to go. Down/smaller. Become whoever you want to be! You can do it!

  14. Hi there Ive recently lost over 5 and a half stones and never ever wear my baggy clothes however thy are clutering up my wardrope think its time for them to go :) x

  15. I've realized a good deal from this post. I've gained a few pounds in the last 3 months of getting lazy and im at the moment attempting to shed weight appropriate now. your publish assisted me to learn the place to start out, to get more motivated towards my purpose and lots of much more. thank you

    Patricia Joyner
    Author of best weight loss supplements for women website
