Thursday, May 24, 2012

Head Lice & Weight Loss!

I'm not quite sure head lice has anything to do with motivation, inspiration, and weight loss, but it's what I seem to be dealing with full force these days. NO, I DON'T have head lice BUT I work at an elementary school and we've had a terrible lice epidemic. It's been SO bad that they closed school yesterday and we even made the local news! (Not sure that's something to be proud of but of course had to share.) I can't seem to keep up with numbers as people keep dropping like flies, but there has been close to 60 kiddos and 14 adults who have come in contact with these nasty bugs. Yuck! It's actually very sad and quite frustrating for many. Not to mention an expensive project.  I've spent my share of time not only trying to keep my own family lice-free by taking all the necessary precautions, spending hours cleaning and doing laundry but have also spent countless hours picking nits and lice out of co-workers hair so they too can hopefully soon be lice-free. 

One thing I do know is that my eating has not been what it should. Not in a way that I'm eating the wrong things or making bad choices and pigging out. Actually it's quite the opposite. I'm hardly eating at all. I haven't gotten a lunch break at work for days and I end up bringing my lunch back home with good intentions of eating it as a snack.  Honestly, by the time I get home, jump right in the shower, and get to feeling clean again, my stomach is still unsettled from thinking and dealing with BUGS all day.  I find myself neglecting to eat except for maybe a snack later in the evening before bed. Not good I know. How can my body do what I want if I'm not fueling it properly?

This whole nightmare has been a very stressful, time consuming, and somewhat emotional to deal with. I know for myself I'm emotionally spent and SO looking forward to the four-day weekend we have coming up. I'm planning on getting my eating back on track as well as my water intake so that I can feel like a normal person again. I also might need to take some time for myself. I'm feeling a little out of sorts and maybe suffering a little from compassion fatigue. (Something I hadn't thought of until my friend said she read it somewhere and mentioned it to me today.)

Regardless of my crazy week, I'm so looking forward to things getting back to normal and living in a bug-free Environment!


  1. Ouch! I was a preschool teacher and director for years, I feel your pain! Fighting those suckers is very hard and expensive!! Hope ya'll get some relief soon!

  2. gah! did you have to post a picture?! i've had empathy itching all week from everyone posting about it. your evil!
    glad you and yours have been able to escape thus far. and hope you'll get back a healthy mind set soon. gick!

  3. btw..My daughter and I have been enjoying your Chocolate PB Banana Smoothies! They are a perfect after run snack. I have a class at church on wed. night's and I didnt have time for supper. I made CPBB Smoothie and enjoyed it on the drive over!

  4. My 4 year old brought lice home in December and it was a NIGHTMARE that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! You have my sympathy!!!

  5. Oh my, I hate to say, my kids have had lice. My little one(not even 2 yet!) got them from one of his little schools friends. Getting rid of them is RIDICULOUS! Just when you think you're done, they show up again... grr...
    Here is to staying lice free!

  6. We just had a scare at my daughter's school (2 in her class!), but we were fortunate to have avoided those nasty little boogers. I understand the craziness of motherhood and forgetting to fuel ourselves properly. When I get to that point, I end up too hungry and making bad choices. I'm not sure which is worse, not eating or eating the wrong things. Enjoy your long weekend and go for a swim or get a pedicure. Take care!!

  7. You must work with my friend Tammy!(she posted about this too)I told her my funny about lice...the last day of school one of my darlings came up to me and said "my mom told me not to tell anyone I had bugs in my hair" Really I replied as I nudge her off my shoulder. Me-Did mom shampoo your hair with anything? Darling-"yes and I don't like it, it smells like cat box!" So, see it could be worse your whole school could smell like cat box!!! Good luck!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  8. My kids got lice so often when they were at nursery, it's horrible and I would hate to have to deal with an entire school's worth of lice. Hang in there. xx

  9. What a vex! I hope you do get that time to relax and regroup over the weekend. Take care.

  10. We have been lice free this year. *KNOCK ON WOOD*

    There are still 4 days of school.....

  11. a few years ago, McKell, Ruth's youngest had lice like 5 times in 18 months. It was awful for her, because no body wanted to be around her.
