Friday, May 25, 2012

Kashi GO LEAN Crunch!

I had started to share a recipe with you that contains brown rice, tofu, and a ton of veggies and had been referring to it as fried rice. After the week I've had (if you've missed out, click here) I decided it wasn't the best timing under certain circumstances as I kept typing fried LICE! (Can you tell what consumes my mind these days?) Anyway, I decided to hold off on that one until next week. 

In the meantime, here is one of my favorites - Kashi GO LEAN Crunch! I was introduced to Kashi a couple years ago and we've been best friends ever since. I love the stuff. They have several flavors of cereal out there, but for me, I'm partial to the "Crunch."  I think I like it so much because it has almonds thrown into the mix.

Some things to know:

190 - 200 calories a serving
9 grams of protein (As much protein as one egg.)
8 grams of fiber (Twice as much fiber as a cup of blueberries.)
500 mg of your Omega-3
15g whole grains (1 out of the 3 servings recommended daily.)
I've never been a big cereal person. I think most of that stems from the fact that I don't like milk, but for some reason, if the milk is cold enough (yes, I add ice cubes to my cereal) I do fine. In fact, I really enjoy and look forward to the mornings I have my Kashi GO LEAN Crunch! Trust me, if you've never tried it, it's a must. It may just become a staple in your pantry like it has in mine.


  1. I agree, Kashi cereal with Almonds are delish. Ice in milk is the best way to go!

  2. I put Kashi Go Lean Crunch in my greek yogurt! Yum!

  3. Fried lice? If we could get rid of them that way, then fry away.

  4. I used to eat the Kashi Go Lean Crunch a few years ago and I guess I forgot about it....thanks for the reminder, I'll have to pick some up soon.
