Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Didn't Cheat - Not Once!

received an email last week and the person on the other end asked me the question: "Did you ever cheat when losing the weight?" Here is the way I look at it. No, I didn't. Cheating is cheating and it will get you nowhere in life no matter what you are trying to "cheat" at. How many people get satisfaction and gratification when they cheat? I personally don't know too many. Most of the time all I hear is complaining and excuses.  What about the kids in school who decide to borrow the answers from their neighbor and cheat on a test? What about the people being dishonest just for their own self-gratification and to get what they want? In other words, they lie and cheat their way through life. Regardless, however you want to look at it.... it's cheating.
People need to learn to thrive within themselves and grow and blossom because they have a deep desire within who they are to accomplish what is placed before them, regardless of whether it's related to school, life, food, or anything else that may entice one to cheat their way through life. We need to learn to not rely on someone or something else in order for us to be happy.  We need to learn to be self-reliant. 
The way I look at it, cheating is nothing but an obsession, addiction, and way of thinking for some people - yes, food being a big one! How many times have you heard someone say they "cheated" and had a small piece of cake at a birthday party? Or how about going for ice cream or ordering a dish at a restaurant you normally don't order? I'm the first to admit at one point in my life I had this same mentality. To be honest, it's all I knew. It's all I believed. I think the point in my life when I came to terms and could admit that I wanted my journey to be a way of life and something that will be part of me for the long haul, is when the word diet and cheating started to fade away. Forever. 

I lost all my weight by eating healthy and exercising. I did choose to be very strict with myself and as disciplined as I could to get to my goal. Did this mean I never ate anything naughty? No, of course not. But I will tell you those times were very few and far between for a while and that seemed to work for me. ( I averaged a steady pace of 1-2 pounds a week.)  For others, you might need to plan those times more frequently but within reason with what you are trying to accomplish so you still see progress and reach your goals. Part of making it a lifestyle is learning to enjoy all the foods you love, even the naughty ones, in moderation. It can be done. It needs to be done. If we don't learn how to take control of this concept now, we will never be successful and struggling with weight will become a lifelong issue.

 I find for me the best way to enjoy treats or "naughty" foods per say is to build them into my menu. I plan for them. Nine times out of ten I know if I'll be attending an event or going out to eat and feeling the need to splurge and have a treat or order something new and fun off the menu. When I plan for it, it makes it a guilt-free experience and allows me to not only enjoy myself, but also allows me to stay focused and in check with my body and what I want it to do for me. It is then very easy to resume my goals and pick up where I had left off. 

Now, as I've been maintaining for a year and a half, it's so nice to be able to enjoy all foods, just in moderation. If I hadn't worked at introducing a few treats as I went along, I often wonder how successful I would be at maintaining like I have. I didn't care how long it took me to lose the weight this time, I just wanted it to stay off forever! If that meant doing it the way I did it, well I couldn't be more pleased. Really, there are no's all about moderation!


  1. Great post! It's getting over what you deserve, earned or NEED. It's asking how am I going to start living for the rest of my life because they way I'm living is killing me.

    I went from a size 20 to 8 with God's help in changing my relationship to Him, food and myself.

  2. This is probably my favorite post ever! I really needed this--in fact I'm printing this out "I did choose to be very strict with myself and as disciplined as I could to get to my goal. Did this mean I never ate anything naughty? No, of course not. But I will tell you those times were very few and far between for a while and that seemed to work for me." and sticking it in my closet to remind me of my goal. Thanks,Paige.

  3. Girl, your posts just keep getting better and better!! This post makes me feel so good! This is exactly what I am doing. I have lost 36 lbs since the beginning of March. Losing every week. I am learning so much about fueling my body, healthy portions, exercise and "working in" treats! I am in this for LIFE!! No way do I want to "stupid" diet and jeopardize my success. Thanks so much for sharing your journey, Paige!

  4. This is exactly the shift in thinking I have been working on. In the past when I tried to lose weight, as soon as I gave in and "cheated", I would tell myself, you are a failure and you can't do it, and I would quit. This time around I have been doing exactly what you said, plan for it, enjoy it, and move on.

  5. Great post Paige. I see so many women that deny themselves any sugary treat, no matter how small. I guess if that works for them. I know I need to just eat those treats (and everything else) in moderation. Thanks for the inspiration :D

  6. Thanks Paige! I totally needed this today as I strayed from my regimin. I know it's an emotional thing and I should have went for a walk instead but I'm not going to beat myself up about it! I'm going to own it and work out harder at tonights workout. You really encourage me to be better:)

  7. Thank YOU! I get so excited every time I visit your blog. You affirm that my plan this time may just work. I have this tape that plays in my head, for which I am seeking the mute button. But everytime I start down this path that tape tells me that I am fooling myself and I won't do it. I will do it. I don't care how long it takes. Cheating is the negative. Choosing is the positive. When I don't get in my own way and choose to eat something...that might be considered a treat, I don't usually enjoy it as much. I have decided that the "treats" might be something that tape dreamed up. BTW...your spinach, feta omelet is now my favorite TREAT! Dinner, breakfast, lunch...doesn't matter - LOVE it. Thank you for more inspiration again!

  8. Great post! This is my number one reason for choosing to count calories when I need to take off a few lbs. - I can plan for high-cal. foods that I am craving . . . if I want a cookie, I have to budget for it, but I make the decision that it's worth it and really enjoy eating it. This is the kind of thinking that makes winners out of losers! Get it?

  9. are making me rethink how I look at food! Good girl!

  10. I am telling you, Paige....write a book. Your experiences speak volumes of truth in a way only you can express. Thanks for the continued motivation. You are truly real to life

  11. You have no idea how much I needed to read this today. Thank you!

  12. Amen! Do you have an email? I have a question for you. If you comment on my blog with your email I won't "approve" it and post it to my blog (all my comments await moderation from me before showing up on the blog).

