Monday, May 14, 2012

Loved My Kids Enough to Get Skinny!

Because yesterday was Mother's Day, I've been thinking heavily on what a joy it is to celebrate being a Mom. I have two of the greatest reasons for such a celebration, and today I get to share both of them with you. 
When I stop and think about when I was obese and terribly overweight or about the woman that I've become today, even though they are polar opposites, one thing is certain, the joy that has come into my life because I have been blessed to be a mother is something I hold close to my heart. Sure, when I look back on the choices I made as a mother when I was heavy, tired, and limited, I'm sure I did things differently than I tend to chose to do them now. (Lazy couch potato verses heading out on a hike with the kids.) Regardless, I know my children have not been robbed of my love or affection but have learned just how much I love and cherish them. Here is what they have to say about the matter:

Ever since my Mom has lost weight and become more active in her life, she's become even more of a joy to be around. (She's always been a joy but now it's SUPER JOY!) I love how active she has become and that she loves to go hiking, running, and work out. She even is hilarious to watch as she tries to master some of my clogging moves. She not only is my Mom but she's one of my friends. She's super cool and so fun to hang out with. I love spending time with her just bonding and doing girl things together. She truly is my role model and I love that she has taken her life back in a way that has not only changed her but changed me to be a better person too. I love you Mom! - McKenna
I love my mom. She has always been so wonderful to me but it seems as though now days she's even more wonderful. Some of the things I love is that she does so many things outside now. Like hiking, and running. I've run with her and she's pretty good. She even makes it look easy! My mom is so fun to hang out with and doesn't seem to get as tired as she used too. She's always happy and I think she looks more elegant and pretty then ever before. One of the upsides of all this is that she makes awesome protein shakes for me before school. She also buys wheaties now and other yummy healthy stuff. She makes me want to eat healthy and exercise forever and teach my kids to do the same too. I try to help her and take care of her too by being supportive. She's always helping and taking care of me.  I guess the only downside to all of this is that we don't seem to have much snack food in the pantry these days. AKA-Not enough goodies! It doesn't matter though because I'll take a healthy mom over any other thing in the world. I'm so glad she's my mom. I wouldn't want any other mom in the world. I sure am lucky. I love my mom so much. - Blake
For my kids to see and witness that I'd want to take care of myself in a way that will allow me to live a long, healthy, active life has "sealed the deal" for them on the power of a mothers love and how much her children mean to her - that nothing will stand in her way of becoming the best mother she can...not even her weight!


  1. Sweet! What precious, precious letters from your children! and what a wonderful role model they have in you as their Mom! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

  2. What a great example you are. I hope that I can be the same for my children. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Those letters from your children are SO sweet, thank you for sharing them with us!

  4. Thank you, thank you for this post!!! I am where you were and want to be where you are at! I have 3 young children and am definatly a couch potato and definatly I do not want to be that kind of example! Thanks for the never ending reminders and motivation!!

  5. Incredible witness for your kids, Paige! And what amazing children you have to recognize it. One of my deciding factors to get healthy was because I physically could NOT do some of the activities that my boys were doing. You are a true inspiration!!!

  6. What a great entry! You look amazing... healthy and beautiful.

    Make it a great day

  7. Oh Paige...tears to my eyes...Your children are wonderful!! What a keepsake and a testament to your journey!! I'll be so excited to be where you are now. I know it's all about the journey and I'm taking it one day at a time.

  8. I'll see my daughter in September. Last time she saw me I was about 10 pounds lighter. And the time before that I was about 20 pounds lighter. I'm wanting to be 10-15 pounds lighter by September. I want her to be "proud" of me.

  9. That made me tear up. What gorgeous children you have! My son is my main motivation for getting healthy as well. I can't wait to go the amusement parks this summer with him and not worry about whether or not I can fit on the rides. We are truly blessed that we are mothers, and I want to be a mother for as long as I can...which means being healthy! Keep smiling:)

  10. Love this post and you look fabulous and your kids look so happy too. :)

  11. Fantastic post! You look amazing and your kids insights are incredible! And I LOVE your gray dress in the photo with your daughter ... care to share where you got it?

  12. This is the best Mother's Day Post I've read so far this week!

    I love that you look happy when you're overweight too, so now it's just happier. Being a new follower to your blog I see that you have a solid foundation that you built your new life on, and it's wonderful. Many lose weight and become happy, because they are thin; but you've grasped that happiness comes from deeper things than a smaller dress. I hope that makes sense. :)

  13. So impressed by your accomplishments. . . for the one you set for yourself personally and the one you set as a MOM!! You look terrific!
    Best wishes,
